Continued sustained growth of 43.2% in second-quarter 2021


French GAAP – € million
Turnover 2021(1) 2020 2021/2020 change 2021/2019 change(3)       Current Like-for-like(2) Current Like-for-like(4) 1st quarter 175.6 132.8 +32.3% +31.4% +14.1% +12.3% 2nd quarter 199.2 139.1 +43.2% +43.9% +16.0% +15.4% TOTAL 374.9 271.8 +37.9% +37.7% +15.1% +13.9% Building Materials Trading 206.2 156.0 +32.2% +32.7% +11.9% +14.0% Concrete Industry 68.6 51.1 +34.2% +31.4% +25.7% +11.2% Industrial Joinery 89.0 58.9 +51.2% +51.2% +19.8% +21.8% Other 25.9 19.1 +35.4% +35.4% -16.3% -9.9% Inter-segment eliminations -14.8 -13.2 - - - -

(1) Unaudited figures.

(2) Restated for the closures of Brem, Brico St Aignan, La Rochelle, Brico Le Blanc and Brico Mirebeau for Building Materials Trading.

Restated for the sites in the Sarthe-Mayenne sector for the Concrete Industry business.

(3) In order to take into consideration the impact of the spring-2020 lockdown, the 2021/2019 change will be provided for first-half 2021.

(4) Restated for the closures of Brem, Brico St Aignan, La Rochelle, Brico Le Blanc and Brico Mirebeau for Building Materials Trading, sites in the Sarthe?Mayenne and Béton du Poher sectors for the Concrete Industry business, TBM Menuiserie for Industrial Joinery and SACI for Other and Building Materials Trading.


Strong improvement in the three businesses

HERIGE Group saw continued growth and posted turnover of €199.2 million in the second quarter of 2021, up 43.2% on the same period in 2020 (up 43.9% like-for-like). As was the case at the beginning of the year, in order to avoid the distortion caused by the favorable base effect of the various measures implemented across the three businesses in 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the turnover figures for the second quarter of 2021 have been compared with the same period in 2019, showing growth of 16.0% (15.4% like-for-like).

The Group's three businesses continued their strong rebound, thanks to its full range of products and innovative services.

Turnover for Building Materials Trading rose 39.4% (39.7% like-for-like), once again boosted by a strong rebound in the public works sector. Compared to second-quarter 2019, turnover was up 18% on a like?for?like basis. Concrete Industry rose 30.7% (32.0% like-for-like) benefiting from a sustained increase in volumes of ready mix concrete and in pre-fabricated concrete products. Compared to second-quarter 2019, Concrete Industry turnover was up 9.8% like-for-like, with a less favorable base effect. Industrial Joinery accelerated its double-digit growth, which came in at 59.9%. The business recorded strong demand across all of its distribution channels, focused on both the new and renovation markets. The Group also benefited from new production capacities at the Saint Sauveur-des-Landes plant, with the AM-X product continuing to deliver an excellent performance. On a like-for-like basis, Concrete Industry turnover rose 20.3% on the same period in 2019.

Overall, in first-half 2021, HERIGE posted turnover of €374.9 million, up 37.7% like-for-like and up 13.9% compared to the same period in 2019.


Outlook and developments

In view of the good performances recorded in the first half of the current financial year across all Group businesses and benefiting from its positioning in energy renovation, HERIGE remains confident for the second half of the year, while remaining cautious about developments in the pandemic. Fully in line with a sustainable performance dynamic, the Group is looking for any opportunity that could serve its profitable growth strategy.

Benoît Hennaut, Chairman of the Executive Board of HERIGE Group, said: “Since the beginning of the pandemic, HERIGE Group has demonstrated agility and a capacity to adapt, thanks to the commitment and the professionalism of our teams. Our structure has been strengthened, allowing us to maintain our growth and stay focused on the goal that we set ourselves: to be the reference for our clients, wherever they are based. HERIGE takes all factors into account to continually reinvent itself. Now more than ever, the Group aims to participate in sector-wide change by providing practical and sustainable solutions to construction stakeholders. The implementation of structured roadmaps with strong potential in each business activity is enabling us to bounce back and develop. Implementing an ambitious CSR policy, valuing human capital by ensuring the health and safety of our teams and actively contributing to an effective circular economy are also among our priorities. Innovation remains at the heart of our strategy to develop exclusive products and services that are designed to make a difference to our clients' everyday lives. The long-term sustainability of our projects will also be strengthened and supported by our ongoing digital transformation.


Next publication: H1 2021 results on September 7, 2021 (after the close of trading)

All our financial communications are available on our website: www.groupe-herige.fr


HERIGE Group focuses on three sectors of the building industry: Building Materials Trading, the Concrete Industry and Industrial Joinery. Originally based in the Vendée region, HERIGE currently employs more than 2,300 people and has a strong presence in Western France.

HERIGE is listed on Euronext Growth
PEA/PME eligible
ISIN FR0000066540, Ticker: ALHRG, Reuters ALHRG.PA


Benoît Hennaut - Chairman of the Executive Board
Caroline Lutinier - Head of Group Communication & CSR
Tel.: +33 (0)2 51 08 08 08
E-mail: communication@groupe-herige.fr

ACTUS finance & communication
Corinne Puissant - Analyst/Investor Relations
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 77 - E-mail: cpuissant@actus.fr
Anne-Catherine Bonjour - Press Relations
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 93 - E-mail: acbonjour@actus.fr
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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/70452-herige-ca-t2-2021-vff_uk.pdf

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