1st half year 2014 sales at EUR 263.4M

Strong resilience sustained in a difficult market context

Consolidated (€M) – non audited

Q1 Sales

Q2 Sales

1st half year cumulative Sales

The first half 2014 sales of the MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT Group was €263.4M slightly down by 1.1%. This first half year of production integrated the two acquisitions made by the Group during the period, BERMAX CONSTRUCTION from January, 1 and MAINE CONSTRUCTION from April, 1.

At constant scope, sales were down -3.6%.

This level of activity, consecutive to the drop in 2013 orders matches the targets announced by the Group.

Order intake at end June amounted to 2,762 sales and represents a turnover of €304.4M ex. tax, down 2.8% in number and 1.2% in value. At constant scope sales fell 5.5% in number and 4.6% in value.

At end June, the renovation activity continued its steady rise with orders at €5M. The Group thus confirms its annual target for this new growth driver.

The production targets are maintained for 2014

In a still difficult economic environment where the real estate market remains complex, there could be some improvement generated by the measures the government seems to want to implement in view of reviving construction. Revision of the PTZ+ zero interest loan criteria with particular emphasis on the areas with little or no coverage where the Group generates almost 75% of its turnover and improvement of criteria (amount of loan, purchase amount taken into account and deferred reimbursement duration) will be the beginning of a market recovery.

For the whole of financial year 2014, taking into account production in process and orders executed in 2013, the MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT Group is targeting a turnover down by 5% with a constant cancelation rate and continuing satisfactory profitability. To this product will be added activities linked to renovation and external growth.

Moreover, MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT intends to increase its market share and continue to diversify in view of reviving growth from 2015.

Next meeting: Information meeting on the occasion of 1st half results, on 10 September 2014 at 10am at the Palais Brongniart auditorium

Next press release: 1st half year 2014 results, on 10 September 2014 after stock exchange


Founded in 1919, MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT is the oldest builder of single-family homes in France and the largest builder of single-family homes on individual plots. The Group operates in 20 regions in France, with 340 sales offices and 50 model homes.

Staff at 30 June 2014: 1,439 people.

MAISONS France CONFORT equities are eligible for PEA-PME equity savings plan.

MAISONS FRANCE CONFORT is listed on the Euronext Paris - Compartment B.

ISIN Number:  FR 0004159473 - Index: CACÒ Small, CACÒ Mid & Small, CACÒ All-Tradable, CACÒ All-Share

Commercial site: www.maisons-france-confort.comFinancial site: www.groupe-mfc.com



Patrick Vandromme

Chairman and Managing Director

Tel. +33 (0)2 33 80 66 61

Email pvandromme@maisonfc.fr

Jean-Christophe Godet

Finance & Administration Manager

Tel. +33 (0)2 33 80 66 61

Email finances@maisonfc.fr


Amalia Naveira

Analyst/Investor/Press relations

Tel. +33 (0)4 72 18 04 90

Email anaveira@actus.fr

Marie Claude Triquet

Press relations

Tel. +33 (0)4 72 18 04 93

Email mctriquet@actus.fr

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