2011 Sales and Profit Goals Achieved

Group Sales (January – December)


In EUR million

1st half-year

2nd half-year

Total 12 months

2011 fourth quarter sales came in at EUR 69.8m which represented organic growth of 5.1% over the EUR 66.4m booked in the last quarter of 2010.

For the full year, agta record achieved growth in product sales of 6.4% while service and maintenance sales grew by 7.1% (excluding the elevator business).

Order backlog (as of 31 December) increased by close to 15% year-on-year.

2011 EBITDA is expected to improve by at least the targeted growth range announced at the beginning of 2011.

Despite the current macroeconomic uncertainty agta record is targeting organic sales growth of 3-5% for 2012.

Next media release:

Annual results 2011 and 1Q Sales 2012, on 24 April 2012 (after trading).

About agta record

Ranking among the top players in the global market for automatic pedestrian doors, agta record calls on its integrated technological and commercial know-how. The Group’s extensive expertise covers the design, production, marketing, installation and maintenance of a large range of automatic doors.

Based in Switzerland, agta record is present with subsidiaries in 50 countries around the world.

agta record is listed on Euronext Paris – foreign stocks


ISIN : CH0008853209



agta record

Hubert Jouffroy – Chairman of the Board

Actus Lyon, Analyst and investor relations agency for agta record

Amalia Naveira – Investor Relations -

Tél : +33 (0)4 72 18 04 97 – shareholders@agta-record.com

Marie-Claude Triquet – Press Relations -

Tél : +33 (0)4 72 18 04 93 – shareholders@agta-record.com

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