ASK wins contract to supply contactless transport cards to the city of Cali in Colombia

Following the successful programme in Bogota, a second Colombian city chooses ASK technology

1 million daily users of the Cali bus network


ASK (Euronext Paris - FR0011980077 - ASK), a global leader in secure contactless technology solutions for the Transport and Identity sectors has been chosen to supply contactless transport cards for the M.I.O (Masivo Integrado de Occidente) city bus network in Cali, Colombia. Located in the west of Colombia, Cali is the 3rd largest city of the country with a total of 2.5 million inhabitants.

ASK has been selected by M.I.O, the fare system which is operated by UTRYT (Unión Temporal de Recaudo y Tecnología), the 3rd largest bus operator in the country. UTRYT has operated buses within the M.I.O network since 2009 - used by nearly one million passengers per day. Through the use of contactless transport cards, UTRYT will now allow its users to change buses or stations with just a single payment.

Patrick Sure, Director of the Contactless Solutions Division at ASK states:

"We are very proud to be working with UTRYT and to be providing contactless transport cards for the bus network in Cali. We are thrilled to have initiated a long-term relationship with such a major player in the public transport system in Colombia. Following our success in Bogota, supplying the M.I.O in Cali is yet another major client reference, demonstrating our ability to increase our presence throughout Colombia, and more widely across Latin America as a whole."

Within the framework of its strategic development plan, ASK has set its sights on strengthening its sales coverage across the following key areas: Europe, the United States and Latin America. In winning this contract for yet a further Colombian city, ASK is replicating its national roll-out strategy - which has met with significant success not only in France, but also in Mexico (Mexico City, Monterrey, etc.) and the United States (Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miama, San Francisco, etc.).


About ASK

ASK provides secure contactless solutions for sensitive applications linked to individuals. Founded in 1997, ASK has developed patented technology based on a unique silver printing process. It creates genuine solutions to the security and reliability challenges of its markets. ASK offers a full range of contactless cards and inlays (electronic covers and integrated antennas) for passports, transport cards, tickets, terminals, operating systems and personalisation services.

ASK's innovative technology and global organisation, with manufacturing units in Europe (France), Asia (China) and the USA, make it the reference player in secure contactless solutions for identity (e.ID) and transport markets. In e.ID, ASK has worked with top global customers since 2006, providing inlays for US, UK, French, Israeli, Philippine and other passports. In the transport market, ASK has strengthened its leadership position since 2001, assisting over 103 cities in 27 countries, including Atlanta, Chicago, Dubai, Lisbon, London, Mexico City, Miami, Paris, Singapore, Sydney and Tel Aviv.

Description: ASK

ISIN code: FR0011980077

Ticker symbol: ASK

Number of issued shares: 7,545,221

For more information, see



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