A new Governance for AKKA Technologies

AKKA decided to evolve its governance in order to accompany the new dimension of the Group and its future growth. The new governance is composed by three key management bodies.

Furthermore, three Business Units have been created: France, Germany and Rest of the World. Each Business Unit is led by a CEO in charge of the operative businesses and a CFO in charge of the business administration. This new geographical structure will foster growth and synergies while developing Business Unit internal identities.

To synthesize, the new governance architecture is set out as follows:

Supervisory Board AKKA Technologies S.A.


Group Executive Committee


Chairman of the Board


Group CEO

Group CEO

Group CEO

Operational Executive Committee

BU France



BU Germany






This organization became necessary as a result of the significant growth occurred the last months and relies on a Group Executive Committee in Brussels contributing to an increased geographical operating efficiency. Each Business Unit is endowed with managerial autonomy and the whole business administration supports in order to provide growth and group internal synergies.

The three key management bodies of the Group:

The Supervisory Board is responsible for the ongoing supervision of the company's management and advises the Group Executive Committee about the general course of business. It performs as a whole the functions generally delegated to a Compensation and an Audit Committee.

The Group Executive Committee mission is to resolve and decide on strategic options. It defines and co-ordinates joint actions and measures at the Group level and is composed by the historical management team with Maurice RICCI as Chairman of the Board.

The Operational Executive Committee's mission is to think and exchange about the future, and to shape the organization in order to be global, and to be best in class. It is composed by the members of the Group Executive Committee and the CEO/CFO of the three Business Units.


Leader in France and in Germany - Leader in the Automotive and the Aeronautics, AKKA Technologies now has a unique positioning.

More than 10,000 engineers in 20 countries leverage their solid expertise, provide sustainable project solutions and focus on serving our customers.


Next press release: Q4 revenue, February 7th, 2013 after market close


"The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

Let's share our passion for technology."

AKKA Technologies is a European Engineering and Technology Consulting Group that supports large manufacturing and tertiary services companies, seeing their projects through from the initial studies and R&D to large-scale production. AKKA Technologies is an expert in various complementary business lines and brings real added value to customers in sectors including aeronautics, automotive, space/defence, consumer electronics, telecommunications, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, steel, energy, rail, marine and service industries.

AKKA Technologies is the leader in the automotive and aeronautics sectors in Germany and France, and thanks to the mobility of its staff and its international positioning, it collaborates on state-of-the-art technology projects around the world.

AKKA Technologies has more than 10,000 employees in over 20 countries, including Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkei, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and USA,. AKKA's focus is on building a Group with revenue of €1 billion, of which 50% outside of France.

AKKA Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris TM - Segment B, ISIN code FR0004180537.

Indices CAC® Small, CAC® Mid & Small, CAC® All-Tradable, CAC® All-Share

For more information, please visit www.akka.eu


AKKA Technologies

Nicolas Valtille - Group Managing Director - Tel: +33 (0)4 78 92 60 83 - finances@akka.eu

Delphine Méric - Investor Relations - Tel: +33 (0)6 81 20 97 14 - d.meric@akka.eu

Actus Lyon

Amalia Naveira - Relations analystes/investisseurs - Tél. : 04 72 18 04 97 - anaveira@actus.fr

Marie-Claude Triquet - Relations presse - Tél. : 04 72 18 04 93 - mctriquet@actus.fr

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