Allocation of 1 bonus share for every 10 shares held

At its meeting of 30 March 2016, the Board of Directors of AKKA Technologies, using the authorisation granted by the Shareholders' Meeting of 9 June 2015, in its eighteenth resolution, decided to issue 1,843,426 new ordinary shares by incorporation of share premiums and reserves, an increase of 10% of the share capital before issue. The new shares will be delivered to shareholders at a rate of 1 new AKKA Technologies share for every 10 existing shares held.

The purpose of the allocation is both to reward the loyalty of shareholders and to increase liquidity. It complements the payment of a dividend of €0.5 per share, which will be proposed to the Shareholders' Meeting of 16 June 2016.

Only shares acquired no later than 20 April inclusive will be eligible for the grant. The new shares will be subject to a request for admission to trading on Euronext Paris, after their delivery, scheduled for 25 April 2016 at the latest.

The new shares will rank pari passu with existing shares, and will be fully fungible with the shares from which they are derived (notably in terms of voting, dividend and loyalty bonus rights).

Each shareholder will automatically receive free of charge a whole number of shares at a rate of 1 new share for every 10 existing shares held. Fractional rights will not be tradeable. They will be redeemed in cash.

Upcoming events:

Q1 2016 revenue on 11 May 2016

Combined shareholders' meeting on 16 June 2016

Q2 2016 revenue on 27 July 2016


About AKKA Technologies


“The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Let's share our passion for technology.”

An engineering and technology consultancy and European leader in the mobility segment, AKKA Technologies operates in 20 countries through 21 centres of excellence building on expertise and synergies forged across the entire Group. Driven by a determination to innovate and a passion for technology, it combines an entrepreneurial spirit with a consistent and visionary strategy. Its understanding of the challenges facing its customers and its positioning across the entire product life cycle enable it to assist major customers on high value-added turnkey projects. With a differentiating positioning symbolised above all by the AKKA Research in-house research centre and a broad international footprint around its unique Franco-German base, AKKA Technologies is poised to become the best in class in large transnational contracts.

With more than 12,000 talented employees, AKKA Technologies delivered revenue of more than €1 billion in 2015, more than 50% of which internationally. It aims to lift this to €1.2 billion by 2018.

AKKA Technologies is listed on Euronext Paris TM – Segment B – ISIN code: FR0004180537.

CAC® Small, CAC® Mid & Small, CAC® All-Tradable, CAC® All-Share indices

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AKKA Technology contacts

Nicolas Valtille

Group Managing Director & Group CFO

Tel.: +33 4 7892 6083
Dov Lévy

VP Investor Relations & Corporate Development

Tel.: +33 1 5669 2652


Actus contacts

France Bentin / Marie-Claude Triquet

Analyst/Investor/Press Relations

Tel.: +33 4 7218 0493 /

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