Announcement of collective undertakings for custody of the company's shares

(Art. 787 B and 885 I bis of the General Tax Code – CGI)

Wavestone has been informed that some of its shareholders, in application of Articles 787 B and 885 I bis of the General Tax Code, have signed three collective undertakings for the custody of shares, namely:

Engagement IV. On 11 January 2017, a collective undertaking for the custody of securities in accordance with the provisions of Article 885 I Bis of the General Tax Code. This collective undertaking has been entered into for a period of 2 years from the date of registration, 12 January 2017, at Pole Enregistrement Paris 16. It will be automatically extended for an unspecified period unless terminated.

Engagement V. On 11 January 2017, a collective undertaking for the custody of securities in accordance with the provisions of Article 885 I Bis of the General Tax Code. This collective undertaking has been entered into for a period of 2 years from the date of registration, 12 January 2017, at Pole Enregistrement Paris 16. It will be automatically extended for an unspecified period unless terminated.

Engagement VI. On 11 January 2017, a collective undertaking for the custody of securities in accordance with the provisions of Article 787 B of the General Tax Code. This collective undertaking has been entered into for a period of 2 years from the date of registration, 12 January 2017, at Pole Enregistrement Paris 16. It will be automatically extended for an unspecified period unless terminated.

By these collective agreements, the signatories are obliged to hold a total of 1,128,210 Wavestone shares, representing at date of signature of the said undertaking 22.71% of its share capital and 27.5% of the voting rights attaching to the shares issued by the company.

It is stipulated these three aforementioned collective undertakings of custody of securities stated have been signed by Ms Delphine Chavelas, holding over 5% of the share capital and the following members of Wavestone's Supervisory Board and Board of Directors:

Mr Michel Dancoisne, Chairman of the Supervisory Board,
Mr Pascal Imbert, CEO.


For the record, it is stipulated that the collective undertaking signed on 16 December 2010 (see press release of 22/12/2010) is now outdated. Undertakings II and III signed on 18 December 2010 (see press release of 22/12/10) are still valid.

 About Wavestone

In a world where the ability to transform is key to success, Wavestone's mission is to provide customized solutions designed to advise and guide its clients in making their most strategic decisions.

With a workforce of around 2,500 employees operating across 4 continents, Wavestone ranks among the leading independent consulting firms in Europe and is number one in France.

Listed on Euronext Paris, Wavestone is eligible to benefit from the PEA-PME share-savings plan. In addition, the Group has been qualified as an “Innovative Company” by the French public investment bank, BPIFrance, and was awarded “Great Place To Work®” status in 2016.

Wavestone is a new consulting firm, created out of the merger, at the beginning of 2016, of Solucom and Kurt Salmon's European activities (excluding Retail & Consumer Goods consulting).



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