Annual General Meeting of 11 July 2014: Approval of all resolutions - Appointment of a new member of the Supervisory Board

Solucom's Combined General Meeting of Shareholders was held on Friday, 11 July 2014. It was chaired by Michel Dancoisne, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and was held in the presence of the Statutory Auditors.

Detailed voting results for each resolution will be online within the timeframe prescribed by law on Solucom's website ( Finance tab, under General Meeting.


Approval of a dividend of € 0.33 per share, payable 21 July 2014

The firm's shareholders approved all thirteen resolutions submitted to their vote, including the statutory and consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2013/14 ended 31 March 2014 and the proposed appropriation of earnings that was submitted to them. Accordingly, Solucom will pay for the financial year 2013/14 a dividend of € 0.33 per share, an increase of 3% compared to 2012/13, representing a payout ratio of 15% of the Group's share of net income, in line with previous years.

The payment of cash dividends will take place on 21 July 2014.


Appointment of Ms. Nathalie Wright as new member of the Supervisory Board

In addition to the reappointment of Messrs. Michel Dancoisne and Jean-François Perret, the General Meeting ratified the appointment of Nathalie Wright as member of the Supervisory Board for a term of 4 years.

A graduate of INSEAD and IAE Paris, Nathalie Wright has been General Manager of the Large Enterprises and Alliances division, Microsoft France since 2011, after having been Public Sector Lead for France. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of Microsoft France and manages the "diversity" program in which she works for the advancement and promotion of women.

Nathalie Wright was named Knight of the French Legion of Honour in January 2011.


Appointment of Ms. Sarah Lamigeon as censor of the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting of 11 July 2014 also ratified the appointment of Sarah Lamigeon as Censor of the company for a period of 2 years. She will participate in an advisory capacity to the meetings of the Supervisory Board.

Sarah Lamigeon holds a degree in Economics and a Master's degree in European Studies from the College of Europe in Belgium. She joined Solucom in 2001. She has been Head of Communications and Member of the Executive Committee of the firm since 2011. She is responsible for the development of the image and reputation of Solucom and intervenes in Solucom's financial, recruitment and internal communications.

She is also treasurer and member of the Board of Directors of the Solucom Enterprise Foundation.


Upcoming event: 17 July 2014 (after close of market), 1st quarter 2014/15 turnover.


About Solucom

Solucom is a management and IT consulting firm.

Solucom's customers are among the top 200 large companies and public bodies. For them, Solucom is capable of mobilizing and combining the skills of more than 1,300 staff members.

Our mission statement? To place innovation at the heart of business lines, target and steer transformations that are sources of added value, and turn the information system into an actual asset designed to serve corporate strategies.

Solucom is listed on Euronext Paris and Solucom shares are eligible for the 'PEA-PME' scheme.

The consulting firm has been granted the innovative company award from BPIFrance.

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