Another upturn in 2012 H1 activity

Positive outlook for the financial year


Consolidated turnover (1st January – 30th June) – unaudited

In € millions

1st half turnover
+ 2%

Growth mo mentum maintained

In the 2nd quarter of 2012, Tessi posted a slightly higher turnover than the €63.1m recorded last year at €63.2m.

The activity generated by Tessi Documents Services was sustained at €40.6m, against €39.2m in 2011, an increase of 3.3%. Organic growth came out at 3.5%, with Tessi selling the US subsidiary Docubase Inc. (taking effect on 1st January 2012).

Tessi Marketing Services posted an activity of €8.0m, against €10.0m last year, as it suffered the impact of a sharp downturn in the logistics activity. Corrective measures are currently being taken.

CPoR Devises sustained a good growth rate at €14.6m, representing a 5.4% increase over the period.

During the half, the activity per business unit was as follows: 

Tessi Documents Services increased by 4.2% to €82.8m (+4.4% in organic growth).

Tessi Marketing Services fell 11.2% to €17.5m.

CPoR Devises registered growth of 5.1% to €26.9m

Favourable trends for 2012

For the 2012 financial year as a whole, Tessi aims to pursue both its organic and external growth.


Next press release, 2012 H1 results, on 5th September 2012 after close of trading.


About Tessi:

- Tessi is the document processing specialist in France

- 3,464 staff at 31 december 2011

- Listed on Euronext Paris Eurolist B – ISIN Code: FR0004529147 – Symbol: TES

- Registered head office in Grenoble (38)

- Established in 1971 and acquired in 1979 by Marc Rebouah, current CEO

- N°1 in France in data acquisition and processing

- N°1 in France in deferred promotional management

- N°2 in France in check processing

For more information about the Group:



Corinne Rebouah

Executive Secretary – Head of Communication

Tel. +33 (0) 4 76 70 59 10

Email :

Amalia Naveira / Investor Relations

Marie Claude Triquet / Media Relations

Tel. + 33 (0) 4 72 18 04 90

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