Artprice confirms the Chinese search engine Baidu as a direct interface for Artprice databanks in China.

thierry Ehrmann, founder and CEO of Artprice, wishes to inform the market that the decision (7 January 2013) regarding guarantees of intellectual property rights in China will henceforward allow Baidu, the most visited website in China and the fourth most visited on the internet, the same bandwidth and machine power as Google (contractual agreement since 2003); Henceforward, Baidu will be able to search over one million logs per day to absorb the tens of millions of Artprice pages in Mandarin and the 210 million pages in five other languages.

Baidu was founded by Li Yanhong and Eric Xu in January 2000 in Beijing and very rapidly became China's market leader on the back of its Mandarin search technology. Vis-à-vis Google, its marketing slogan is “Baidu knows Chinese better”.

In 2013, mainly through Baidu (China) and Google, and including its different languages, Artprice's aims to post approximately 210 million standardised free Art Market data online (without any impact on its turnover and earnings) and hence occupy the heart of the market via its fixed-price and auction-based Standardised Marketplace.

Artprice is therefore continuing its conquest of new customers (and their accompanying behavioural logs) in the framework of its integration of Big Data implemented at the end of 2011. This Artprice Big Data – which represents the firm's principal source of wealth, but which does not appear on its balance sheet – may best be understood by reading an article in Le Monde:

Artprice now has a colossal customer database with records of over 18 billion logs – in full compliance with the regulations of the European and American authorities – that allows it to know exactly what each of its clients is looking for and/or possesses through its Data Mining and now Big Data activities.

-Lex Google- is not really the right answer in the global digital economy.

In 2013, Google and Baidu (China) have become the direct interfaces for all of Artprice's databanks. The relationship between Google and Artprice is contractual and dates back to 2003. It is in itself, proof that Lex Google is not really the appropriate solution in the global digital economy.

As announced in its last press release, Artprice has - since early December 2012 in the case of Google and since January 2013 in the case of Baidu (China) – started making a very large part of the structure of its databanks and its Market Art standardization available as online freeware (free proprietary software license, but with certain usage restrictions).

All of the industrial processes forming Artprice's databanks are patent protected, notably via patents filed with the A.P.P. (Agence de Protection des Programmes- Software Protection Agency). (c)1987-2012 thierry Ehrmann

For more information:

After the close of markets on 21 December 2012, ARTPRICE joined the prestigious SBF 120 index. Following the quarterly review of the Euronext Paris indices, the meeting of the Scientific NYSE Euronext Committee for Indices decided to admit into the CAC Mid 60 and the SBF 120. The SBF 120 index is composed of the 120 largest French listed companies, including the CAC 40 companies and the country's 80 most liquid stocks.

The current liquidity of the Artprice share is 3.83 million euros per day calculated over 440 trading days (amounting to a total of 1.688 billion euros).

Artprice is the global leader in databank on Artprices and indices with more than 27 million indices and auction results covering more than 500,000 artists. Artprice Images® offers unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in the world, a library of 108 million images or engravings of artworks from 1700 to the present day along with comments by Artprice's art historians. Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 4,500 international auction houses and auctioneers and publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the main news agencies and 6,300 international written media. For its 2.072 million members (member log in),
Artprice posts standardized adverts in what is today the world's leading Standardised Marketplace® for buying and selling works of art by private contract or at auctions -regulated by French law alinéas 2 et 3 de l'article L 321.3 du code du commerce-

Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice, which headquarters are the famous Museum of Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos

Artprice is listed on Eurolist B SBF 120 by Euronext Paris (SRD long only): Euroclear: 7478 - Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF

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