ECA Group: 2017 first half year results


Solid backlog at €103 millions
Slight half-year revenue growth (+2.6%)
2017 objective confirmed

ECA Group (Euronext Paris: ECASA) published its 2017 first half year results today.

(In € millions)
H1 20171
H1 2016



Current operating income

Operating income

Income tax

Net income

Net income - Group share

1 The consolidated financial statements were subject to a limited review by the statutory auditors. Their reports are in the process of being issued.

2 EBITDA: Current operating income before depreciation, amortization and provisions


(In € millions)
H1 2017
H1 2016

Of which Robotics and Integrated Systems

Of which Aerospace

Of which Simulation

Of which Structure & Disposals


At the first half of 2017, ECA Group consolidated revenue stood at €54.4 million, an increase of 2.6% compared with the first half of 2016. First half of 2016 revenue level was strong, so business in the first half of 2017 performed well, resulting from sound order intake level in 2016.

Revenue from the Robotics and Integrated Systems division stood at €32.9 million at the first half of 2017, an increase of 5.0% compared with the first half of 2016. Revenue from the Aerospace division stood at €17.7 million at the first half of 2017, an increase of 29.6% compared with the first half of 2016. This increase benefited from the acquisition of ELTA at the end of November 2016 (see press release). Lastly, revenue from the Simulation division stood at €3.8 million at the first half of 2017, a reduction of 52.3% compared with the first half of 2016. The half year was affected by an unfavorable basis of comparison related to the end of the military vehicle driving simulators (MVS) contract at the end of the first half of 2016. The execution of a second contract awarded end of 2016 will contribute to second half revenue (see press release).

At June 30 2017, the Group's order book stood at €103 million compared with €85 million at June 30, 2016. Bids remain at a very high level, particularly in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Gulf states.

Several significant commercial successes were recorded during the half year, notably a new contract for more than €4 million with the French navy to support underwater demining robots over 5 years (see press release), and a contract of more than €2 million with Ifremer to develop and deliver a new autonomous underwater vehicle capable of descending completely independently to a depth of 6,000 meters (see press release) .

With regards to ELTA, which was acquired at the end of 2016, sales of emergency locator transmitters were buoyant and the Group announced the launch of its new «ELiTE» emergency locator transmitter for commercial aviation (see press release).

( In € millions )
H1 2017
H1 2016

Of which Robotics and Integrated Systems

Of which Aerospace

Of which Simulation

Of which Structure


3 The consolidated financial statements were subject to a limited review by the statutory auditors. Their reports are in the process of being issued.

EBITDA for the first half of 2017 stood at €3.6 million, compared with €5.3 million in the first half of 2016, a reduction linked, firstly, to a less favorable business activity mix and, secondly, to particularly high commercial costs during the half year.

EBITDA for the Aerospace division increased close to three-fold to €0.7 million compared to €0.2 million in the first half of 2016. The Robotics and Integrated Systems division was down by 20.9%, affected particularly by commercial and demonstration costs during the half year. Lastly, the Simulation division was down over the half year. In 2016, this division had a positive foundation with the production of military vehicle driving simulators (MVS).

Taking account of non-recurring elements, operating income stood at €0.7 million at June 30 2017, compared with €3.0 million at June 30 2016.

Net income - Group share stood at €0.3 million compared with €2.2 million in 2016.

Financial situation at June 30, 2017

Net debt stood at €15.0 million, including treasury shares of €2.0 million, compared with €3.4 million at December 31, 2016.

This increase in net debt over the period is explained by the continuing high rate of investments, which stood at €4.0 million in the first half year, together with increased working capital requirements (€7.8 million), related to the seasonality of deliveries, which is expected to fall in the second half of 2017. A total dividend of €2.6 million was paid in June 2017 for the 2016 financial year.


The Group should continue its growth through its focus on accelerating the marketing of products developed during recent years and improving its profitability.

The Group is participating in several significant tenders, particularly for airborne drones, drone systems and aeronautics assembly systems, where client decisions have been pending for several months and which should conclude in the second half of 2017.

In this context, the Group confirms its revenue target of €120 million for 2017.

A commented presentation of ECA Group's half-year results is available on our Youtube channel:

Next key financial date:

Publication of revenue for the third quarter of 2017 on October 25, 2017.


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ECA Group

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T: +33 (0)4 94 08 90 00

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Such forward-looking statements and targets depend on known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those anticipated herein. All these risks and uncertainties could affect the Group's future ability to achieve its targets. Risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements and targets include, among other things: the risks and uncertainties mentioned in the press release; the strength of competition; the continuing growth of the market; currency fluctuations; interest rate fluctuations; raw material price fluctuations; armed conflicts or political instability; control of costs and expenses; changes in tax legislation, rules,
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Some of these risk factors are set forth and detailed in our Document de Référence (Registration Document including the annual financial report filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers). This list of risks, uncertainties and other factors is not limitative. Other non- anticipated, unknown or unforeseeable factors could also have material adverse effect on our targets. The Group expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements or targets potentially contained in this press release to reflect any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which any such statements are based.

The ECA Group

Recognized for its expertise in robotics, automation systems, simulation and industrial processes, the ECA Group has been developing complete, innovative technological solutions for complex missions in hostile and confined environments since 1936. Its product offering is designed for an international client base that is demanding, both in terms of safety and effectiveness. The Group's main markets are in the defense, maritime, aeronautics, simulation, industrial and energy sectors. In 2016, the Group reported revenue of €112.5 million across its three divisions: Robotics & Integrated Systems, Aeronautics and Simulation.

The ECA Group is a Groupe Gorgé company.

The ECA Group is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment C.

Indexes: SBF 250, CAC SMALL 90 and CAC IT- ISIN Code: FR0010099515

Ticker Code: ECASA - Bloomberg Code: ECASA:FP

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