ECA Group announces the creation of a service company dedicated to UAV's: ECA DRONE

ECA Group announces the creation of a service company dedicated to UAV's: ECA DRONE


ECA Group announces the creation of ECA DRONE. This structure is intended to supply all services to customers in the civilian sector related to the UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, IT180 drone range, in addition to maintaining IT180 drones.

For the record, the IT180 airborne drone range comprises vertical takeoff drones available in electric (IT180-30 and IT180-60) and thermal (IT180-120) versions, along with a captive version named IT180-999.

There is strong demand for these IT180 drones (see press release). Many customers require a tailored service and long-term support aimed at ensuring the drone is suited to their needs and to help them develop the appropriate processes and procedures. ECA DRONE will show great responsiveness and flexibility in its services to ensure customers maximize the benefits of their drones and service operations.

In addition, ECA DRONE is responsible for identifying new needs in the civilian sector, for developing the right transponders and ensuring effective data processing, thereby opening up new markets for the UAV IT180.

ECA DRONE offers a variety of services:

Training geared towards drone use and maintenance,
Drone maintenance,
Drone rental,
Drone operation,
The development - for customers or newly identified needs - of the necessary tools, transponders and operating procedures.

In 2015, these activities generated revenue of some hundreds of thousands of euros. The Group is responding to strong growth in demand through this service-dedicated structure.

ECA DRONE will be equipped with IT180 products and a pool of engineers, technicians and pilots. It will have sufficient capacity to support customers worldwide by relying on local correspondents.


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ECA Group

The ECA Group is renowned for its expertise in robotics, automated systems, simulation and industrial processes. Ever since 1936 it has been developing complete innovative technological solutions to perform complex missions in hostile or restrictive environments.

Its products are used by a demanding international clientèle requiring the highest levels of safety and efficiency, mainly in the sectors of defence, maritime, aerospace, simulation, energy and industrial equipment.

In 2014, the Group reported revenue of 94 M€ for its three Departments: Robotics, Aerospace and Simulation. 

ECA Group is a Groupe Gorgé company.

ECA Group is listed on Euronext Paris Compartiment C.

Indices : SBF 250, CAC SMALL 90 et CAC IT- ISIN code : FR0010099515

Mnémo : ECASA - Code Bloomberg : ECASA:FP




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