Electronic passports robustness increases radically with SPiD-Web, ASK's latest innovation for secure contactless documents

SPiD-Web is an exclusive silver ink printed antenna design that allows e-passports to resist stapling

Provides governments with drastically more robust e-passports and significantly lowers replacement occurrences


ASK (Euronext Paris - FR0011980077 - ASK), a global leader in secure contactless technology solutions for Transport and Identity, announces the introduction of SPiD-Web, patented breakthrough solution for robust e-passport inlays. Based on ASK's exclusive silver ink printed antenna process, SPiD-Web allows the back cover of an electronic passport to be stapled anywhere several times without compromising its operation.

Resistance to stapling is fast becoming a critical requirement from governments in the deployment of e-passports. Stapling is widely used in certain countries, for example in visa procedures, and is potentially destructive for e-passports, which are generally expected to live 5 to 10 years. This causes excessive replacement costs, which can slow down e-passports adoption.

To address this challenge, ASK is able to design and print antennas with multiple and redundant electrical paths. In case a staple hurts a path, the feature remains functional thanks to the redundant paths. This “web”-like antenna structure is only possible because of ASK's silver ink printing, which is a clear benefit over traditional copper wire technology.

Current product prototypes resist up to 10 staples, which is the absolute best performance in the industry.

ASK has already started to demonstrate SPiD-Web to a number of government authorities. As a result, an increasing number of them are now in the process of including resistance to stapling as a requirement in their specifications.

Some customers have already started qualification and validation of the solution, that ASK will be in a position to start manufacturing in volume in 2015.


Julien Zuccarelli, CEO of ASK, comments:

“We are committed to enabling and accelerating the mass deployment of intelligent and contactless identity documents. I am convinced that our silver ink printing technology is a strong differentiator that allows us to better match the specific requirements of this industry. This SPiD-Web antenna is a direct illustration of the superiority of our solutions providing working products that also match fundamental lifetime requirements that can make this market really ubiquitous.

SPiD-Web provides us with a real competitive advantage, and a strong case for convincing hesitant authorities to adopt e-documents. I look forward to the upcoming customer certifications and volume shipments.”


About ASK

ASK provides secure contactless solutions for sensitive applications linked to individuals. ASK has developed patented technology based on a unique silver printing process. It creates genuine solutions to the security and reliability challenges of its markets. ASK offers a full range of contactless solutions (cards and inlays – electronic covers and integrated antennas – for passports, tickets, terminals, software) and associated personalisation services.

ASK's innovative technology and global organization, with manufacturing plants in Europe -France-, Asia -China- and the United States, make it the reference player in secure contactless solutions for identity (e.ID) and transport markets. In e.ID, ASK has worked with the most demanding customers since 2006, providing inlays for US, UK, French, Philippine and other passports. In the transport market, ASK has strengthened its leadership position since 2001, supplying over 100 cities in 27 countries, including Atlanta, Chicago, London, Mexico City, Miami, Paris, Singapore, Sydney and Tel Aviv.

Name: ASK - ISIN Code: FR0011980077 - Ticker symbol: ASK - Number of issued shares: 7,545,221

For more information, see ASK-Contactless.com



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Julien Zuccarelli

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