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Half Yearly Results - September 2011

Excluding variations in scope of business, firm activity and

operating profit

Six-month period analysis:

  • Company activity up 3.7% with strong Home Décor performance

  • Margins, fixed costs and financial charges under control

  • Negative impact of integration of Distec on results

  • Gearing at 0.47 compared to 0.58 on September 30, 2010


Outlook 2011/2012:

  • Good order backlog despite economic uncertainty

  • Positive outlook for Hardware in S2

  • Positive reaction to new products and pursued strategy to innovate

  • Integration of UK-based Urban Storm Ltd

Consolidated statement of income (April 1 – September 30, 2011)


On November 21, 2011 the Prismaflex International board closed the accounts for the 2011/2012 S1 period. The financial statements were subject to limited audit review.


  6 months 6 months   6 months

(excl. Distec
In M€ 30.09.11 30.09.10 Difference

in € Million
Sales 24.86 23.97  0.89 24.23
Current operating profit 0.87 1.25 -0.38 1.20
Current operating profit 3.5% 5.2%   5.0%
Financial result excl. Foreign exchange -0.24 -0.26  0.02  
Foreign exchange losses and gains -0.18 -0.02 -0.16  
Tax -0.25 -0.13 -0.13  
Net result 0.20 0.84 -0.65 0.53
Net consolidated result 0.33 0.81 -0.48  
Self-financing capacity 1.01 1.57 -0.56 1.27
In M€ 30.09.11 31.03.11 30.09.10  
Consolidated equity capital 18.29 18.56 17.39  
Net debt 8.67 7.73 10.04  
Gearing 0.47 0.42 0.58  


Maintained profitability (excluding Distec)

In April 2011, Prismaflex International acquired 59% of the German manufacturer of scrolling signs and display columns Distec. Although the operation had a negative impact on results for the period, it opens the way to the German and East-European markets. At constant scope (excluding Distec), operating profit at €1.2 million is close to that of 2010 thanks in part to the good management of the company’s fixed costs.

Strong capital structure

With consolidated equity capital at €18.29 million, the capital structure is healthy despite the €0.42 million negative impact of currency evolution (Euro) on the goodwill. Net debt has improved by €1.4 million compared to September 2010 to stand at €8.67 million. Customer down payments as of March 31, 2011 have been absorbed.

Working capital need at €8.9 million represents 18% of total sales, unchanged from September 2010.

Analysis presents an improved gearing ratio at 0.47 compared with 0.58 on September 30, 2010.

Integration of UK-based Company Urban Storm Ltd

Present on the UK digital print market since 2003, Prismaflex International has entered into a merger with its competitor Urban Storm Ltd through an exchange of securities in order to attain the critical size for competitiveness on the digital printing market in the UK. As a result of the operation, Prismaflex will own 60% of the UK-based merged entity with the two companies working out of the same premises. Urban Storm Ltd has been operating on the outdoor advertising market for around fifteen years and holds a patent for a truck advertising system and static signs.

Performance and outlook

Due to the uncertain economic environment, Prismaflex International remains cautious and maintains its fixed costs and financial charges management strategy.

A saving plan has been set up to improve Distec Gmbh profitability by lowering the break-even point. The positive impact should be felt over the coming financial year.

On October 31, 2011, Group order backlog, primarily composed of orders for hardware, remains strong at €6.8 million and should continue to progress through to the end of the year.


Forthcoming dates

  • Conference call: Pierre Henri Bassouls, CEO and Emmanuel Guzman, CFO will be available to answer your questions at 10.00 am on Thursday December 1, 2011. Please contact Actus Lyon on +33 (0)4 72 18 04 90 - to receive the PowerPoint presentation and the conference contact number.

  • Press release: 3rd quarter 2011/2012 sales figures January 19, 2012 after closure.


Outdoor Advertising solutions manufacturer and large format digital printing

ISIN: FR0004044600-PRS - Reuters: PRS.PA – Bloomberg: PRS FP

Eurolist by Euronext Paris – Compartiment C



Emmanuel Guzman - CFO - phone: +33 (0)4 74 70 68 00 – [email protected]

Amalia Naveira – Analysts/Investors contact - phone: +33 (0)4 72 18 04 92 – [email protected]

Marie-Claude Triquet – Press contact – phone: +33 (0)4 72 18 04 93 - [email protected]

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