July 20th 2016 Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting - Company shareholders approve change in corporate name: Solucom becomes Wavestone

The Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting presided over by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Michel Dancoisne, met on Wednesday, July 20th 2016 in the presence of the Company's Statutory Auditors.

The results of all resolution votes cast by Group shareholders will be posted online within the statutory time frame on the Investor room of the Wavestone website (www.wavestone-advisors.com).

Company shareholders approve change in corporate name: Wavestone

At the Annual General Meeting, Solucom shareholders voted to adopt Wavestone as the Company's new name.

Wavestone is an entirely new consulting firm, created out of the January 7th 2016 merger between Solucom and the European activities of Kurt Salmon*.

With a global network of 2,500 employees operating across 4 continents, Wavestone is a leading player in European independent consulting, and ranks number one in France.

Note that, while the Company will retain the same ISIN code (FR0004036036), its LCO mnemonic code will be replaced by WAVE.

€0.41 per-share dividend to be distributed as of July 29th 2016

Company shareholders also voted in favor of the other twelve resolutions submitted for their approval, notably those concerning the Company and Consolidated Financial Statements for fiscal year ended March 31st 2016 and the proposed appropriation of profits.

Accordingly, Solucom will distribute a dividend of €0.41 per share relative to fiscal year 2015/16, implying a year-on-year increase of 5%. This represents a payout rate of 15% of Group share of net income, in line with previous years.

The dividend will be payable in cash as of July 29th 2016.

The Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting also voted to renew the mandate of Supervisory Board member, Mrs. Marie-Ange Verdickt, for a duration of four years until the close of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting which will be called upon to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2020.


Upcoming events: Publication of H1 2016/17 revenues: Tuesday, October 25th 2016, after Euronext market close.


About Wavestone

Wavestone is a new consulting firm, created from the merger, at the beginning of 2016, of Solucom and Kurt Salmon's European* activities.

In a world where permanent evolution is the key to success, Wavestone's mission is to enlighten and partner business leaders in their most critical decisions.

Wavestone draws on some 2,500 employees across four continents. It is a leading player in European independent consulting, and the number one in France.

Wavestone is the brand name of Solucom, a company listed on Euronext Paris. Solucom is eligible for the PEA-PME - a French investment instrument that encourages individuals to invest in smaller and intermediate firms - it has been classified as an "innovative company" by French investment bank BPI, and was recognized, in 2016, as a Great Place To Work®.



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