Latécoère Group Appointments

The following appointments were announced by Latécoère Group Management Board Chairman, Frédéric Michelland, during the Supervisory Board meeting of 23 June 2014.

Following the departure of Eric Gillard, the operations of the Group's Aerostructures business arm will be reorganized and split into two divisions under the responsibility of Management Board Chairman Frédéric Michelland:

The Industrial Division headed up by Denis Bretagnolle which will incorporate the purchasing, logistics, elementary parts production and assembly departments.

Denis Bretagnolle joined Latécoère in December 2013 after working as Head of Operations in a number of different sectors, including the automotive industry.
The Operations Division headed up by Philippe Brel who will join the Group on July 2nd. The Operations Division will include the markets and contracts, program, quality, technical, customer support and equipment and systems departments.

Philippe Brel is a qualified engineer who has worked exclusively in the aeronautics industry in France and the United States. After beginning his career with Liebherr Aerospace, he went on to join the Zodiac Group where he worked as head of operations and head of a business unit before taking over the Technical seats division.

Frédéric Michelland is the appointed Chairman of LATelec.

Hervé Blanchard has succeeded Pierre Burello as Senior VP of Group Human Resources. With twenty years' experience in human resources, including fifteen in the industrial sector, Hervé Blanchard began his career working in factory HR positions for Faurecia before joining Nestlé France as Head of Human Resources - Factory and Corporate Departments in 2000. In 2008, he joined Darty as Head of Human Resources for the Provence and Mediterranean regions and then the Paris Region.

“The respective and combined experience of Denis Bretagnolle, Philippe Brel and Hervé Blanchard will be a decisive advantage in pursuing our Boost recovery plan and maximizing on our Group's recognized expertise” said Frédéric Michelland, Chairman of the Latécoère Management Board.

About Latécoère

Latécoère is a tier 1 partner to major international aircraft manufacturers (Airbus, Embraer, Dassault, Boeing and Bombardier), in all segments of the aeronautical market (commercial, regional, corporate and military aircraft), specializing in three fields:

Aerostructure Industrial (55% of total revenue): fuselage sections and doors.
Aerostructure Services (15% of total revenue): design, stress analysis and definition of industrial products - design, manufacturing & maintenance of tooling and special assemblies
Interconnexion Systems (30% of total revenue): onboard wiring, electrical harnesses and avionics bays.

The Group employed as of December 31, 2013 4,617 people, in 10 countries.

Latécoère had total consolidated revenue of €621.1 million in 2013 and as of December 31, 2013 its order book stood at €2.58 billion (based on a USD/EUR exchange rate of 1.35).

Latécoère, a French corporation (société anonyme) with capital of €23,017,186 divided into 11,508,593 shares with a par value of €2 per share is listed on Euronext Paris - Compartment C.

ISIN code: FR0000032278 - Reuters code: LAEP.PA - Bloomberg code: LAT.FP


Olivier Regnard / Chief Financial Officer

Tél. : 33 (0)5 61 58 77 00
Corinne Puissant / Investor Relations

Tél. : 33 (0)1 53 67 36 57 -

Anne-Catherine Bonjour / Media Relations

Tel. : 33(0)1 53 67 36 93 -

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