Liquidity contract on Steria shares - Termination of the existing contract - Implementatiion of a new contract

Steria Group (ISIN FR0000072910) announces that as of today, 22 June 2012, it has terminated the liquidity contract with SG Securities. On this date, the following resources figured in the liquidity account:

5,251 Steria shares
€1,106,878.31 (one million, one hundred and six thousand, eight hundred and seventy eight euros and thirty one euro cents).

Starting from 25 June 2012 and for a period of 12 months renewable by tacit agreement, Steria has entrusted Natixis with the implementation of a new liquidity contract pursuant to the AMAFI Compliance Charter approved by the French Financial Markets Regulator, the Autorité des Marché Financiers, in a decision dated 8 March 2011. The following resources have been allocated for the implementation of this liquidity contract:

5,251 Steria shares
€1,106,878.31 (one million, one hundred and six thousand, eight hundred and seventy eight euros and thirty one euro cents).



Steria is listed on Euronext Paris, Eurolist (Section B)

 ISIN Code: FR0000072910, Bloomberg Code: RIA FP, Reuters Code: TERI.PA

CAC MID&SMALL 190, CAC MID 100, CAC Soft&CS, CAC Technology

General Indices : SBF 120, SBF 250, SBF 80, IT CAC, NEXT 150

For further information, see the website:



Press relations - Hotwire:

Charles Catherinot / Marion Delmas

Tel: +33 1 43 12 55 61 / 62

Investor relations:

Olivier Psaume

Tel: +33 1 34 88 55 60 / +33 6 17 64 29 39

Information réglementée
Rachat d'actions / contrat de liquidité :

- Information relative au contrat de liquidité
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