Lyon, 27 August 2013


OL Groupe is aware of the new statement released by Etienne Tête.

Like the previous ones he has published, this one is intentionally misleading in several respects.

1. It is incorrect to claim that Pathé has taken control of Olympique Lyonnais Groupe. To the best of the Company's knowledge, shareholders' ownership percentages have not recently undergone significant changes.

As a measure of its confidence in OL Groupe's projects in general and in the new stadium project in particular, Pathé has subscribed to the bonds repayable in shares (“OSRANEs”), just as ICMI has, but to a proportionately larger extent. Nevertheless, this does not change the composition of the capital of OL Groupe, and ICMI remains the Company's largest shareholder.

2. OL Groupe has always sought to protect the interests of small shareholders, and it is untrue to say that they have been “spoliated” by a dilution. There has been no dilution inasmuch as these and all other shareholders benefited from preferential subscription rights to the OSRANEs.

Some shareholders freely chose to subscribe to these bonds and thereby neutralised any dilutive effect, whereas others freely chose not to do so.

3. There is no justification for saying that OL Groupe's share price will not return to the level reached in 2007 when the shares were first floated on the stock exchange.

In fact, it is reasonable to think that the share price will improve once the new stadium, of which Mr Tête has been a constant opponent, gives Olympique Lyonnais the facilities it needs to accommodate teams and fans in the manner of a major European club.

OL Groupe

Tel: +33 (0)4 26 29 67 00

Fax: +33 (0)4 26 29 67 18




Euronext Paris - Segment C

Indices: CAC Small – CAC Mid & Small – CAC All-Tradable, CAC All-Share – CAC Consumer Services – CAC Travel & Leisure

ISIN code: FR0010428771

Reuters: OLG.PA

Bloomberg: OLG FP

ICB: 5755 Recreational services




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