Prodways, Groupe Gorgé's 3D printing division, announces several strategic partnerships and the appointment of a new Managing Director

On the eve of the FormNext exhibition, one of the major events in additive manufacturing, to be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from November 15 to 18, Groupe Gorgé's 3D printing division announces two strategic partnerships to strengthen its materials offering.

Partnership with A. Schulman, a leading international supplier of high-performance plastic compounds and composite materials

In the field of selective laser sintering, Prodways offers premium 3D printers with open materials platforms for a wide range of industrial applications. This strategy aims to facilitate and accelerate customer innovation, as well as the development of new high-performance materials with optimized mechanical properties. As a leading player in this market, Prodways intends to actively participate in developing new materials for additive manufacturing and is consequently collaborating with A. Schulman.

Based in Akron, Ohio (USA), A. Schulman is a leading international supplier of high-performance plastic compounds and composites, which are used as raw materials in a large number of markets.

Its main product ranges include plastic compounds, composites, pigment concentrates, masterbatches and exclusive additives or custom formulations to improve the performance and feel of plastics in many specialized applications.

In forming this partnership, A. Schulman and Prodways will work with high value-added industries to develop custom solutions to meet their needs across a wide range of markets. The Prodways and A. Schulman R&D teams comprise experts who are committed to continually finding optimized solutions and identifying best manufacturing processes and materials to enable exponential industrial growth.

This partnership marks another step forward in Prodways' innovation strategy for the development of new industrial applications and underlines its desire to become a recognized alternative to the current offerings on the selective laser sintering market.

Partnership with Arkema, a major player in specialty chemicals

Following its historic partnership with Exceltec, Prodways is partnering with Arkema, a key player in specialty chemicals, to develop PA12-type selective laser sintering solutions designed to meet the many industrial challenges presented by additive manufacturing.

Arkema, a major player in specialty chemicals, brings innovative and high value-added technical solutions tailored to the needs of its customers. Arkema's Technical Polymers BU offers a full range of technical and high-performance polymers for the automotive, sports, renewable energy and electronics industries. With its materials expertise and more than 60 years' experience in polyamide powders, Arkema has been developing selective laser sintering solutions for more than 10 years.

Prodways shares Arkema's strategy based on continuous innovation to develop new solutions for the future: it is with this aim in mind that Prodways is proposing selective laser sintering platforms open to other materials as well as to leading partnerships for the joint development of future generations of polymers.

According to Olivier Coulet, Director of Prodways' Powder Materials division and founder of Exceltec, “The teams at Arkema and Exceltec, a Prodways subsidiary, have worked together on the joint development of selective laser sintering powders for more than 10 years. After many successes, such as the launch of

new PA12 powder formulas, including charged or colored formulas, a partnership with Prodways was the natural continuation of those developments and offers promising opportunities both on additive manufacturing special grade markets and for 3D printing service companies.”

The stated objective of this partnership, which combines Arkema's expertise in polymer materials with that of Prodways in 3D printing, is to develop new, complete and personalized laser sintering solutions for individual industrial applications in the automotive, medical and aerospace sectors, among others.

Appointment of Alban D'Halluin as Managing Director of Prodways Technology

Lastly, the Group takes the opportunity of this exhibition to announce the recent appointment of Alban D'Halluin as Managing Director of the Equipment/3D Printers unit in the Group's 3D Printing division. A graduate of “École Polytechnique” with a Master of Science from Harvard University, Alban D'Halluin began his career in technological companies where he led several marketing and development missions before joining Prodways, where he has been Technical Development Director for two years. Over these two years, he has worked closely with Dr. André-Luc Allanic, founder and R&D Director of Prodways, to launch Prodways' new 3D printer ranges. His technical experience and expertise and in-depth knowledge of Prodways' technologies will enable him to carry out his new role successfully.

Philippe Laude will continue to report directly to Raphaël Gorgé, CEO of Prodways Group, and will continue to accompany him in the 3D printing activity development.


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About Groupe Gorgé

Established in 1990, Group Gorgé is an industrial group operating in different areas of expertise:

Smart Safety Systems – Using technology to work in risk environments;

Protection in Nuclear Environments – Protecting people and securing buildings operating with radioactive materials;

Industrial Projects & Services Conducting Robotics and Fire protection systems projects for industry and service-sector player;

3D PrintingEnabling major industry players to find new routes to successful innovation and production processes by providing systems, 3D printers and new premium material.

In 2015, the Group reported revenue of €264.5 million. It is backed by 1,536 employees and operations in over ten countries.

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Groupe Gorgé - Raphaël GORGÉ – CEO & Chairman - Tél. : +33 1 44 77 94 77 - E-mail :

Actus Finance – Natacha MORANDI – Analysts/Investors Relations - Tél. : +33 1 53 67 36 94 - E-mail :

Actus Finance – Jean-Michel MARMILLON – Press Relations - Tél. : +33 1 53 67 36 73 - E-mail :

Image 7 – Lauranne Guirlinger – Press relations – Tél. : +33 1 53 70 74 18 – E-mail :

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