Prodways announced a distribution agreement with RP Support in UK and Ireland

Prodways, subsidiary of Groupe Gorgé, is pleased to announce its new distribution agreement with RP Support, a leading service, hardware and materials provider to the additive manufacturing market in United Kingdom.

Prodways approached RP Support, a company already established and renowned for their excellent level of service, technical support and knowledge in the additive manufacturing market. RP Support will supply, service and provide technical support for both the UK and Ireland markets.

David Storey, Executive Director at RP Support comments, “RP Support is extremely pleased to be working in partnership with Prodways. We believe this exciting product range from Prodways will complement both our own business portfolio and the general additive manufacturing industry very well.”

Raphael Gorgé, Chairman of Prodways states, “With Prodways and its MOVINGLight® technology, we are convinced that we are offering the market the perfect technology at the perfect time. This advantage, coupled with our ambition, efforts in R&D, both on 3D Printing systems and materials, as well as developing key distribution partnerships with successful companies like RP Support should allow us to establish Prodways in a leading position in 3D Printing.”

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Groupe Gorgé - Raphaël GORGÉ - CEO - Tél. : +33 1 44 77 94 77 - E-mail :

Actus Finance - Anne-Pauline PETUREAUX - Analysts/Investors Relations - Tél. : +33 1 53 67 35 74 - E-mail :

Actus Finance – Jean-Michel MARMILLON – Press Relations - Tél. : +33 1 53 67 07 80 - E-mail :

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