Steria’s exemplary commitment to sustainability again recognised by Carbon Disclosure Project

Steria, a leading provider of IT-enabled business services, is pleased to announce that it has again achieved one of the top scores for its sector in France from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). CDP is a non-profit organisation that evaluates the commitment of the world’s largest corporations to tackle climate change and support a more sustainable world.

Recognised with a disclosure score of 89/100 in 2010, Steria’s performance improved yet again this year with a score of 93/100 and a carbon performance band of A- compared to a global average of 69/100 and C.

In recent years, Steria has focused its efforts on monitoring and reducing carbon emissions and promoting energy efficiency both at a company level and for individual employees.

Steria recently opened environmentally-friendly offices in both France and Sweden. The Steria France ‘Green Office’ generates more energy than it uses, and was awarded the ‘Best Green Workplace Award’ earlier this year by French national TV and radio station BFM. In Stockholm, the Steria Sweden office takes advantage of the excess energy created by the city’s central railway station to provide heating for the building. In an effort to limit its environmental impact, Steria has been certified CarbonNeutral® for flight and fleet business travel since January 2010.

As well as being an integral part of Steria’s corporate responsibility programme, Steria’s commitment to sustainability is also one of its strategic business areas. Steria solutions such as Smart Energy Management and Intelligent Transport are aimed at helping clients address their sustainability issues, which can have a positive effect on both business performance and stakeholder relationships.

François Enaud, General Manager and Group CEO of Steria, said, “Steria’s scores from the Carbon Disclosure Project are encouraging. It confirms that by managing, disclosing reducing our own carbon output and providing clients with tangible, practical solutions to their own sustainability challenges, we are taking the right steps to protect the environment. Social responsibility is a core element of our corporate strategy, along with our strong conviction that human values and economic performance are intrinsically bound together.

Paul Simpson, chief executive officer of the Carbon Disclosure Project, commented: “Companies that achieve top scores from the Carbon Disclosure Project are demonstrating good internal data management practices for understanding greenhouse gas emissions. They have shown a strong awareness of the business issues related to climate change including climate-related risks and opportunities. Those organisations that give clear consideration to measuring and reporting on climate change issues will be best placed to capitalise on the opportunities from managing them.”

About Steria:

Steria delivers IT enabled business services which help organisations in the public and private sectors operate more efficiently and profitably. By combining in depth understanding of our clients’ businesses with expertise in IT and business process outsourcing, we take on our clients’ challenges and develop innovative solutions to address them. Through our highly collaborative consulting style, we work with our clients to transform their business, enabling them to focus on what they do best. Our 20,000 people, working across 16 countries, support the systems, services and processes that make today’s world turn, touching the lives of millions around the globe each day.

Founded in 1969, Steria has offices in Europe, India, North Africa and SE Asia and a 2010 revenue of €1.7 billion. 20%(*) of Steria’s capital is owned by its employees. Headquartered in Paris, Steria is listed on the Euronext Paris market.

(*): including the Employees Shares Trust in the UK

About the Carbon Disclosure Project

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organisation providing a transformative global system for companies to measure, disclose, manage and share climate change information. Over 3,700 organisations across the world’s largest economies now measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and assessment of climate change risk and opportunity through CDP, in order that they can set reduction targets and make performance improvements. This data is gathered on behalf of 551 institutional investors, holding US$71 trillion in assets. For more information visit


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