Store Electronic Systems - Marked success at the 3rd NFC World Congress

A marked success for Store Electronic Systems

at the 3rd NFC World Congress


Store Electronic Systems (NYSE Euronext: SESL, FR0010282822), the leader in electronic shelf labeling for the retail sector, announced today that it was a Sponsor of the 3rd annual NFC World Congress held in Nice on 24 and 26 September, which brings together the whole ecosystem of the leading companies in NFC technology.


This was also an opportunity for Thierry Gadou, Chairman and CEO of SES, to lead a conference on the theme of “The Connected Store” and to present to the expert community both planned applications and those already deployed by the company on a large scale for its retail clients. In less than a year since the launch of the NFC-tag at the E.Leclerc store in Levallois in October 2012, SES has sold more than 4 million NFC-tags to a dozen retailers. The scale and speed of this take-up, driven by concrete and revolutionary benefits in use, truly impressed participants from the world of NFC technology, which SES had joined for the first time at this annual meeting.


See the demonstration video here:


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Q3 2013 sales: 29 October 2013


About Store Electronic Systems

Store Electronic Systems is the leader in Electronic Shelf Labeling systems (ESL) for large-scale food and non-food retailers. The Group designs, markets and installs all the system's components (software and communication platform, displays, mounts), thus providing clients with a turnkey solution. The range of products and services offered by SES allows retailers to manage pricing dynamically, while significantly improving store productivity and developing new contactless uses for consumers.


Store Electronic Systems is listed on Compartment C of Euronext™ Paris.

Ticker: SESL – ISIN Code: FR0010282822 – Reuters: SESL.PA – Bloomberg: SESL.FP




Florent Alba, Investor Relations & Financial Communication - Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 98 55,


Store Electronic Systems - 39, rue de Montigny - 95100 Argenteuil - FRANCE

Limited company with a capital of €22,050,046 - RCS Pontoise 479 345 464 -

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Tel.: +33 (0)1 34 34 61 61 - Fax: +33 (0)1 34 34 61 62 -

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