Turnover as of 30 June 2013: EUR 338.3 million

IFRS – € million

Consolidated turnover



% Change

 Constant scope restated(2)

1st quarter

2nd quarter


Building distribution

Concrete industry

Industrial joinery

Other (services)

Inter-segment eliminations

(1) Figures have not been audited.

(2) For 2012, restated figures include Q2 turnover of Fene-Tech and exclude Q2 turnover of sales locations in Southwest France, the Royan Bois site, the concrete plant in Le Buisson, and Isiland, sold 30 May 2013.

Q2 2013 turnover: slight growth at constant scope restated

During the second quarter of the 2013 financial year, VM Matériaux recorded turnover of €177.2 million, an increase of 0.5% at constant scope restated (-4.1% at same scope). The increase reflects good resilience by the Building distribution activity and a performance by Industrial joinery (+2.8% during the quarter). This progression is the result of decisions taken early this year.

For the first six months of 2013, Group turnover was €338.3 million, nearly matching the corresponding 2012 period (-0.3% at constant scope restated and -2.9% at same scope). The Group held up well in a competitive market, with housing construction still weak.

The Building distribution division contributed a six-month gain of 0.3% at constant scope restated (-3.6% at same scope) thanks to its reorganisation efforts begun in Q1 and market share gains on the civil construction sector.
The Industrial joinery division had a good six months, with a gradual trend of rising sales driven by PVC joinery products and fasteners, as well as its positioning on the renovation market.
The Concrete industry division experienced a 3.2% pullback at constant scope due to lower volumes in an extremely competitive market.

Growth and outlook

In June, Frédéric Marmouzet joined VM Matériaux as CEO of the Building distribution division. His chief responsibilities are to identify and take advantage of market opportunities, to continue rollout of the new organisation and to develop new tools to serve the Group's customers.

With a clientele of professionals and do-it-yourself builders, VM Matériaux remains confident in its fundamentals. Its complementary businesses and innovation policy enable it to confirm its positioning as a specialist in constructive solutions, as it helps its customers meet changing construction standards.

Next press release: H1 2013 results on 17 September 2013 (after stock exchange closes)

All our financial communications are available at our website: www.vm-materiaux.fr

About VM Matériaux

The VM Matériaux Group focuses on three business sectors of the building industry: Materials trading, the Concrete industry and Industrial joinery. Originally based in the Vendée region, VM Matériaux now employs over 2,800 people and is active in Western France and the French overseas departments as well as in China and Canada. In 2012, the Group generated total turnover of €689.6 million.

VM Matériaux is listed on NYSE-Euronext Paris, Compartment C

Indexes: PAX, Gaia Index

Codes: ISIN FR000 0066540, Reuters VMMP.PA, Bloomberg VMM.FP, Ticker: VMMA



Philippe Audureau – Chairman of the Board of Directors
Corinne Puissant

 Analyst/Investor Relations

Tel.: +33 1 53 67 36 57 - E-mail: cpuissant@actus.fr

Alain Marion - General and Financial Manager

Tel.: +33 2 51 08 08 08 - E-mail: vm@vm-materiaux.fr

Caroline Lutinier - Head of Group Communication

Tel.: +33 2 51 08 08 08 - E-mail: clutinier@vm-materiaux.fr
Anne-Catherine Bonjour

 Media Relations

Tel.: +33 1 53 67 36 93 - E-mail: acbonjour@actus.fr

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