WALLIX GROUP, a software company providing cyber security and governance solutions for information systems access, has received the Security Award of the Cercle de l'Entreprise et de l'Intérêt Général at a ceremony held on October 19. Organized by French TV channel, BFM Business, the Cercle de l'Entreprise et de l'Intérêt Général awards recompense companies that work for the common good. The goal of the Cercle is to foster new initiatives in 5 key areas that are important to French society: employment, education and training, health, security and the environment.

Founded by French social welfare group, Klesia, the Cercle de l'Entreprise et de l'Intérêt Général brings together entrepreneurs and business leaders who are committed to dealing with the issues that affect society today. It is composed of eleven men and women who embody the diversity of France's entrepreneurial landscape and who share the same vision of the crucial role that companies have to play in working for the common good.

For the 2017 edition, five programmes were broadcast in partnership with BFM Business and the Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper. The candidates chosen presented their entries and passed a "viva voce" exam during which they were interviewed by the members of the Cercle. The winning initiatives were chosen for each category and the awards presented at the closing ceremony on October 19.

Jean-Noël De Galzain, Chairman of the WALLIX GROUP Management Board, said "We are honored and delighted to have received this Security Award from the Cercle de l'Entreprise et de l'Intérêt Général which recognizes some of the initiatives undertaken by WALLIX for a safer digital world."

Next publication: 2017 half-yearly results on October 26, 2017



A software company providing cyber security solutions, WALLIX Group is the European specialist in privileged account governance.

In response to recent regulatory change (NIS/GDPR in Europe and OVIs in France) and the cyber security threats affecting all companies today, the WALLIX Bastion Suite helps users protect their critical IT assets: data, servers, terminals and connected objects. It is the first market solution to have been awarded first-level security certification (CSPN) by France's National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and thus meet all of the criteria for regulatory compliance

WALLIX accompanies more than 500 companies and organizations on a day-to-day basis, securing the access to more than 200,000 hardware and software resources. Its solutions are marketed through a network of more than 130 resellers and trained and accredited integrators. Listed on Euronext under the code ALLIX, WALLIX Group is a leader on the PAM market with a strong presence throughout Europe and EMEA. Alain Afflelou, Dassault Aviation, Gulf Air, Maroc Telecom, McDonald's, Michelin, and PSA Peugeot-Citroën trust WALLIX to secure their information systems.

WALLIX Bastion was a winner at the 2016 Computing Security Awards and has been rated Best Buy by SC Magazine, as well as being named among the PAM leaders in the Product and Innovation categories of the KuppingerCole 2017 Leadership Compass report. The company is a member of Bpifrance Excellence, a champion of the Pôle Systematic Paris Region cluster and a founding member of the Hexatrust grouping of cyber security companies. In 2017, WALLIX Group was included in Forbes France's Futur40 ranking of fastest-growing listed companies.

For more information, visit the WALLIX website at: www.wallix.com


ACTUS finance & communication

Natacha Morandi - Investor Relations

Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 94 / wallix@actus.fr
ACTUS finance & communication

Nicolas Bouchez - Financial Press Relations

Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 74 / nbouchez@actus.fr


Agence Raoul – PR

Mathilde OZANNE - Corporate Press Relations

Tel. +33 (0)6 09 99 13 85 / mathilde@agenceraoul.com

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