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ISG to Publish Reports on Private, Hybrid Cloud Services:
ISG to Publish Reports on Private, Hybrid Cloud Services

Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm, has launched a research study of service providers helping enterprises and U.S. public sector

Americas Demand for IT, Business Services up Slightly in Q4, as Growth Slows Amid Economic Concerns, ISG Index™ Finds:
Americas Demand for IT, Business Services up Slightly in Q4, as Growth Slows Amid Economic Concerns, ISG Index™ Finds

Demand for IT and business services in the Americas rose slightly in the fourth quarter but continues to be weighed down by economic concerns, the latest state-of-the-industry report from

Swiss Public Cloud Market Grows as Hyperscalers Expand:
Swiss Public Cloud Market Grows as Hyperscalers Expand

A growing number of enterprises in Switzerland are moving their IT workloads to hyperscalers’ public cloud infrastructures as they recognize the value of the cloud for achieving their business

Enterprises in the Nordics Are Warming Up to Public Clouds:
Enterprises in the Nordics Are Warming Up to Public Clouds

A growing number of large and midmarket enterprises in the Nordics are migrating to public clouds, attracted by new features, including FinOps capabilities, according to a new research report

Faster Cloud Growth in Brazil Expands AWS Ecosystem:
Faster Cloud Growth in Brazil Expands AWS Ecosystem

Enterprises in Brazil have accelerated their adoption of public cloud services in recent years, with AWS partners playing a major role in enabling these migrations and the ongoing operation of

Europäische Hersteller streben nach Transformation in einer Zeit des Umbruchs:
Europäische Hersteller streben nach Transformation in einer Zeit des Umbruchs

Bedeutende, laufende Veränderungen in der europäischen Automobil- und Halbleiterbranche haben die regionale Nachfrage nach Dienstleistungen erhöht, die den Herstellern bei der Transformation ihrer

European Manufacturers Seek Transformation Amid Change:
European Manufacturers Seek Transformation Amid Change

Significant, ongoing changes in the automotive and semiconductor industries in Europe have increased regional demand for services to help manufacturers transform their technology focus and

RGP Study Finds One-Third of Companies Pursuing Mission-Critical Transformation Projects Are Facing Challenges:
RGP Study Finds One-Third of Companies Pursuing Mission-Critical Transformation Projects Are Facing Challenges

RGP (Nasdaq: RGP), a global consulting firm focused on project execution, released a new report today on how organizations are executing critical projects to keep up with rising demands, with

Europe’s IT, Business Services Market Slows in Q4, ISG Index™ Finds:
Europe’s IT, Business Services Market Slows in Q4, ISG Index™ Finds

Europe’s IT and business services market was down slightly in the fourth quarter, the first time in the last 13 quarters the region failed to produce year-over-year growth, according to the latest

Europäischer Markt für IT- und Unternehmensdienstleistungen verlangsamt sich im 4. Quartal, so der ISG Index™:
Europäischer Markt für IT- und Unternehmensdienstleistungen verlangsamt sich im 4. Quartal, so der ISG Index™

Der europäische Markt für IT- und Unternehmensdienstleistungen war im vierten Quartal leicht rückläufig und zum ersten Mal in den vergangenen 13 Quartalen wurde in der Region kein Wachstum im

Angesichts wachsender Herausforderungen wenden sich europäische Versicherer an Partner:
Angesichts wachsender Herausforderungen wenden sich europäische Versicherer an Partner

Versicherungsunternehmen in Europa meistern die zunehmend schwieriger werdenden Geschäftsbedingungen mithilfe von Dienstleistern, die die zahlreichen Herausforderungen der Branche verstehen und eng

U.S. Manufacturers Tackle Product, Supply Chain Challenges:
U.S. Manufacturers Tackle Product, Supply Chain Challenges

U.S. manufacturers are increasingly engaging with service providers to address significant challenges around supply chains and new product requirements, according to a new research report published

German Firms Keep Up Automation Drive After Pandemic:
German Firms Keep Up Automation Drive After Pandemic

Enterprises in Germany continue to drive business automation initiatives, sustaining the momentum that began during the COVID-19 pandemic when companies adapted to new work modes, customer

Deutsche Unternehmen treiben Automatisierung auch nach der Pandemie voran:
Deutsche Unternehmen treiben Automatisierung auch nach der Pandemie voran

Deutsche Unternehmen treiben ihre Initiativen zur Geschäftsautomatisierung weiter voran und setzen damit eine in der COVID-19-Pandemie begonnene Entwicklung fort, als sich Unternehmen auf neue

European Insurers Turn to Partners as Challenges Mount:
European Insurers Turn to Partners as Challenges Mount

Insurance companies in Europe are navigating increasingly difficult business conditions with the help of service providers that understand the industry’s many challenges and partner closely with

Growing Developer Skills Expand U.S. Market for AWS:
Growing Developer Skills Expand U.S. Market for AWS

Enterprises in the U.S. are benefiting from growing investments in developer training by AWS, which remains the country’s most-used public cloud provider, according to a new research report

Global Spending on IT and Business Services Declined in Q4, ISG Index™ Finds:
Global Spending on IT and Business Services Declined in Q4, ISG Index™ Finds

Global spending on IT and business services declined in the fourth quarter, with particular weakness in cloud-based infrastructure services, according to the latest state-of-the industry report

Post-COVID Changes Accelerate Automation in Brazil:
Post-COVID Changes Accelerate Automation in Brazil

More companies in Brazil are adopting intelligent automation solutions and services as part of a wave of digital transformation that began during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to accelerate

ISG-Umfrage: Inflation und Rezession werden die digitale Transformation in der europäischen Versicherungsbranche beschleunigen:
ISG-Umfrage: Inflation und Rezession werden die digitale Transformation in der europäischen Versicherungsbranche beschleunigen

Dreiviertel der führenden Vertreter der europäischen Versicherungsbranche geben an, dass geopolitische Spannungen, anhaltend hohe Inflation und eine drohende Rezession ihre Unternehmen veranlassen

ISG Survey: Inflation and Recession Will Accelerate Digital Transformation in the European Insurance Industry:
ISG Survey: Inflation and Recession Will Accelerate Digital Transformation in the European Insurance Industry

Three-quarters of European insurance industry leaders say geopolitical tensions, persistently high inflation and the threat of recession will drive their companies to accelerate their digital

Changes Expand Providers’ Role in U.S. Insurance Industry:
Changes Expand Providers’ Role in U.S. Insurance Industry

Insurance companies in the U.S. are strengthening their partnerships with service providers to efficiently use new digital technologies to increase customer satisfaction, according to a new

Deutschland modernisiert Automatisierungsprogramme inmitten neuer Herausforderungen :
Deutschland modernisiert Automatisierungsprogramme inmitten neuer Herausforderungen

Unternehmen in Deutschland haben ihre Anstrengungen im Bereich der fortgeschrittenen Automatisierung und der digitalen Transformation verstärkt, nachdem die Coronapandemie zu neuen

Germany Modernizes Automation Amid New Challenges :
Germany Modernizes Automation Amid New Challenges

Enterprises in Germany have stepped up their efforts in advanced automation and digital transformation after new challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic revealed how far the country had fallen

Companies in Brazil Move Toward End-to-End Automation:
Companies in Brazil Move Toward End-to-End Automation

Enterprises in Brazil are under increasing pressure to adopt end-to-end automation platforms as they recognize that their survival depends on having more flexible and adaptable operations

Willdan to Update King County’s Aquatic Center with $4.3 Million Energy Savings Performance Contract:
Willdan to Update King County’s Aquatic Center with $4.3 Million Energy Savings Performance Contract

Willdan Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: WLDN) announced today that it will provide upgrades to the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center through energy savings performance contracts with a combined value of