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KI: Die nächste Welle bahnt sich an
KI: Die nächste Welle bahnt sich an

Wenn es um Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) geht, stehen derzeit vor allem Big-Techs wie Nvidia, Meta, Microsoft oder Alphabet im Rampenlicht. Doch es gibt auch zahlreiche Zweitrundenprofiteure.

Qualcomm and Apple Forge Ahead with New Modem Partnership
Qualcomm and Apple Forge Ahead with New Modem Partnership

Key Points

  • Qualcomm and Apple, which have a history of legal battles, as well as partnerships, extended their 5G modem deal.
  • A global decline in smartphone sales has affected Qualcomm's
The #1 Problem With Renewable Energy Is…:
The #1 Problem With Renewable Energy Is…

Can you name America’s oil king?

It’s Texas, of course.

Roughnecks pull 4X more “black gold” out of the ground there than in New Mexico, in second place.

Texas is also America’s “green

To Ban Or Not To Ban? The Ambiguity Of Data Harvesting And The Road Forward:
To Ban Or Not To Ban? The Ambiguity Of Data Harvesting And The Road Forward

During the early weeks of March 2023, Shou Chew, CEO of TikTok, spent more than five hours testifying before a Congressional committee, as bipartisan lawmakers have grown increasingly concerned

Meg Whitman Net Worth: Wealth of a Digital Titan See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Meg Whitman Net Worth: Wealth of a Digital Titan

Meg Cushing Whitman is an American businesswoman with a fat net worth of $3 billion. She is a politician and a diplomat serving as the 18th U.S. Ambassador to Kenya since July 14, 2022. Whitman's

Mike Pence On UAW Strike And Holding China Accountable
Mike Pence On UAW Strike And Holding China Accountable

Following are excerpts from the unofficial transcript of a CNBC interview with former Vice President Mike Pence on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” (M-F, 6AM-9AM ET) today, Tuesday, September 19.

Mike Pence

S&P 500 Dead Cat Bounce – Smelling FOMC Outcome:
S&P 500 Dead Cat Bounce – Smelling FOMC Outcome

S&P 500 made a dead cat bounce mixed with an intraday short squeeze, and given likely rise in yields (10y back above 4.33%) and muted HYG, I favor a slow decline to prevail today. Not that FOMC

NVIDIA Triples In Value Since The Start Of 2023, Leading The Top 10 Most Popular Stocks
NVIDIA Triples In Value Since The Start Of 2023, Leading The Top 10 Most Popular Stocks
  • A £1000 investment in NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) at the start of 2023 would have returned an impressive £3,067 on 15 September 2023.
  • The 10 most popular stocks returned an average of 68.6% since
Charlie Munger’s Ten Commandments
Charlie Munger’s Ten Commandments

The internet brims with the “wit and wisdom” of Charles T. (Charlie) Munger, Sage of Omaha, who will celebrate his 100th birthday on January 1, 2024.

His magnum opus, Poor Charlie’s Almanack

Quality-Growth Investor Conference Thursday 21st September 2023
Quality-Growth Investor Conference Thursday 21st September 2023

The second annual Quality-Growth Investor Conference will take place on Thursday 21st September 2023 in Westminster.

Visit QG Website.

ValueWalk subscribers get a £240 registration discount

That Rally In Gold Might Not Be Over Just Yet:
That Rally In Gold Might Not Be Over Just Yet

Reversals ARE important, especially when confirmed by high volume. Thursday’s reversal in gold worked – it rallied, just as I had warned.

The funniest thing about this rally is that it has little

Klage gegen KB Holding GmbH, Buchberger Baugeräte Handel GmbH und Buchberger Baumaschinen Service + Vermietung GmbH
Klage gegen KB Holding GmbH, Buchberger Baugeräte Handel GmbH und Buchberger Baumaschinen Service + Vermietung GmbH

in erster Instanz abgewiesen


München (18.09.2023)


Die 1. Kammer für Handelssachen des Landgerichts Ingolstadt hat in erster Instanz durch Urteil vom 12. September 2023 die von der

Shutterstock Is The Value Stock They Don’t Want You To Know About
Shutterstock Is The Value Stock They Don’t Want You To Know About

Key Points

  • Shutterstock is a hidden gem in today's market; its declining stock price has kept it from headlines, which should be covering all the breakthroughs that management is making
KI haucht Dvořáks Erbe neues Leben ein: Premiere einer erstaunlichen Verbindung von Technologie, Kunst und Geschichte:
KI haucht Dvořáks Erbe neues Leben ein: Premiere einer erstaunlichen Verbindung von Technologie, Kunst und Geschichte

PRAG, Tschechische Republik, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In der letzten Woche fand in der bezaubernden Prager Altstadt die Weltpremiere von „Dvořák Dreams“ statt, einer neuen

Municipal Bond Fund ETFs Record Largest Weekly Inflow of the Year
Municipal Bond Fund ETFs Record Largest Weekly Inflow of the Year

The data sourced in the article below is derived from Lipper’s Global Fund Flows application which may differ slightly from the Lipper US Fund Flow data due to timing and methodology. This new

IBM – Bullischer Druckaufbau:
IBM – Bullischer Druckaufbau
Wertpapiere des US-amerikanischen IT-Riesen IBM haben ihre jahrelange Talfahrt im Frühjahr 2020 offensichtlich gestoppt und sind in einen noch vergleichsweise flachen Aufwärtstrend gewechselt.
Temenos von Omdia als Leader im Cloud Core Banking anerkannt
Temenos von Omdia als Leader im Cloud Core Banking anerkannt

Temenos erhielt die höchste Bewertung im Bericht für Marktdynamik, Strategie und Innovation

GENF, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Temenos (SIX: TEMN) hat heute bekannt gegeben, in der jüngsten

Searches For ‘Buy iPhone 15’ Explode 490% Following Apple Live Event:
Searches For ‘Buy iPhone 15’ Explode 490% Following Apple Live Event

Searches relating to Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and the new iPhone 15 have exploded over the last month following the live event on the 12th of September.

Searches For 'Buy iPhone 15' Skyrocket


PPI To Set the Slide:
PPI To Set the Slide

CPI came in hot, yet both yields and S&P 500 didn‘t maintain their downswings. The odds of Fed rate hikes weren‘t that much changed – speaking about both Sep and Nov, where a Nov hike is the

FreedomPay gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit PAX Technology, Inc. für verbesserte Lösungen beim globalen Handel bekannt
FreedomPay gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit PAX Technology, Inc. für verbesserte Lösungen beim globalen Handel bekannt

Die Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht Millionen von Kunden weltweit ein mit Treue- und Mehrwertdiensten bereichertes Kundenerlebnis auf ganz neuem Level


Ken Griffin: We Are Now At The Point Where We Will See The Impact Of Rates Hikes Start To Play Out All rights reserved by Techreef
Ken Griffin: We Are Now At The Point Where We Will See The Impact Of Rates Hikes Start To Play Out

Following is the unofficial transcript of a CNBC exclusive interview with Citadel Founder & CEO Ken Griffin on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” (M-F, 9AM-12PM ET) today, Thursday, September 14.

Goods And Services Prices Jumped in August
Goods And Services Prices Jumped in August

Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Senior Economist Dawit Kebede, PhD, issued the following statement in response to the Labor Department’s August Consumer Price Index Report:

Prices Jump

Readying S&P 500 Slide:
Readying S&P 500 Slide

S&P 500 made another lower high yesterday (good for a fine entry), and the sectoral composition with rising utilities isn‘t at all bullish, and financials can‘t balance that out. Former three

The Top 10 States That Are Home To The Most Successful People
The Top 10 States That Are Home To The Most Successful People
  • Wyoming is the number one state that is home to the most successful people, with the highest number of billionaires per one million people.
  • Following in second place is Hawaii, with 2.06
Apple – Aktien stabilisiert sich nach Keynote ohne große Überraschungen:
Apple – Aktien stabilisiert sich nach Keynote ohne große Überraschungen

Gestern hat Apple zur Keynote geladen. Wie erwartet wurden unter anderem das iPhone15 und die iWatch 9 präsentiert. Große Überraschungen blieben jedoch aus. So schloss das Papier etwas tiefer. In