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This New Social Security Bill Demonstrates Why Bipartisanship Is Critical for Success
This New Social Security Bill Demonstrates Why Bipartisanship Is Critical for Success
How important is Social Security for today's retirees? According to new data from the Social Security Administration (SSA), 61% of all current retirees relies on their monthly benefit check for at....
Don't Make This Big Mistake With Your Inheritance
Don't Make This Big Mistake With Your Inheritance
Baby boomers will transfer a jaw-dropping $30 trillion in wealth to their heirs over the next 30 to 40 years, and a lot of that wealth will be in the form of IRAs and employer-sponsored plans.....
A Foolish Take: What's the Matter With Inflation?
A Foolish Take: What's the Matter With Inflation?
One of the most fundamental relationships in all of economics -- between the unemployment rate and inflation -- appears to be broken.Historically, these metrics have tended to be inversely....
A Foolish Take: The Highest-Grossing Movies of 2017 (So Far)
A Foolish Take: The Highest-Grossing Movies of 2017 (So Far)
Movies seem flashier than ever, but the domestic film market remains a slow-growth one. PwC expects annual U.S. box office revenue to grow at a compound annual growth rate of just 1.2% between....
TripAdvisor's Most Attractive Business Isn't Hotels
TripAdvisor's Most Attractive Business Isn't Hotels
There isn't much about TripAdvisor's (NASDAQ: TRIP) non-hotel business segment that would grab investors' attention at first glance. After all, the division contributed just $2 million toward....
Like Dividends? I Bet You'll Love These 2 Stocks
Like Dividends? I Bet You'll Love These 2 Stocks
If you bank on stocks that pay you regularly to boost your income, you're not alone. Dividend stocks have traditionally outperformed non-dividend-paying ones, and if chosen prudently, they can....
NVIDIA's Processors May Soon Power Wal-Mart's Deep Learning Push
NVIDIA's Processors May Soon Power Wal-Mart's Deep Learning Push
Recently, analyst Trip Chowdhry of Global Equities Research wrote in an investor note that Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE: WMT) will ramp up its focus on deep neural networks for its OneOps cloud business....
No Joke: 97 Million Full-Time Workers Are Now Living Paycheck to Paycheck
No Joke: 97 Million Full-Time Workers Are Now Living Paycheck to Paycheck
This may not come as a shock to many, but Americans are pretty undisciplined when it comes to money. According to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the personal saving rate in June 2017 was....

BASTIDE : Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 aout 2017
BASTIDE : Nombre d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 aout 2017
BASTIDE LE CONFORT MEDICAL Société Anonyme au capital de 3.303.261 euros Siège social : 12 avenue de la Dame, Zone Euro 2000 30132 Caissargues RCS de NIMES N° B 305 635 039 DROITS DE....

SEQUANA : Déclaration d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 août 2017
SEQUANA : Déclaration d'actions et de droits de vote au 31 août 2017
Déclaration d'actions et de droits de vote établie en application de l'article L. 233-8 du code de commerce En application de l'article L. 233-8 II du code de commerce et de l'article 223-16....
The 10 Most Popular Social-Media Networks (Bet You Haven't Heard of No. 5)
The 10 Most Popular Social-Media Networks (Bet You Haven't Heard of No. 5)
Social Media touches every corner of the globe. Image source: Getty Images.The network effect can provide a business with one of its most significant competitive advantages, and social media is....

Méthanor investit 1,8 M EUR dans trois centrales photovoltaïques basées en Corse
Méthanor investit 1,8 M EUR dans trois centrales photovoltaïques basées en Corse
Communiqué de presse Méthanor investit 1,8 M€ dans trois centrales photovoltaïques basées en Corse     Paris, le 04 septembre 2017 – Méthanor (Alternext FR0011217710 ALMET),....

SIPH : Résultats semestriels au 30 juin 2017 : Net redressement du résultat lié à la hausse du chiffre d'affaires (erratum)
SIPH : Résultats semestriels au 30 juin 2017 : Net redressement du résultat lié à la hausse du chiffre d'affaires (erratum)
Erratum : dans le tableau, le résultat net part de groupe de l'exercice 2016 (12 mois) est de 6,9 M€ et non 0,0 M€ comme indiqué par erreur dans le communiqué diffusé vendredi....

BASTIDE : Cessation du contrat de liquidité contracté avec Gilbert Dupont - Mise en oeuvre d'un contrat de liquidité avec Natixis
BASTIDE : Cessation du contrat de liquidité contracté avec Gilbert Dupont - Mise en oeuvre d'un contrat de liquidité avec Natixis
Le 4 septembre 2017   A effet du 4 septembre 2017, il a été mis fin au contrat de liquidité confié par la société Bastide Groupe à Gilbert Dupont. A cette date, les moyens suivants figuraient....

VISIOMED GROUP : Emission d'OCA pour 1,0 MEUR dans le cadre du programme d'OCABSA
VISIOMED GROUP : Emission d'OCA pour 1,0 MEUR dans le cadre du programme d'OCABSA
Paris, le 4 septembre 2017 VISIOMED GROUP (FR0011067669 – ALVMG), société spécialisée dans l'électronique médicale nouvelle génération, annonce le tirage, le 1er septembre 2017, d'une tranche....

AUPLATA : Enquête publique ouverte du 20 septembre au 20 octobre 2017 pour la mise en oeuvre d'une unité industrielle de traitement par cyanuration du minerai aurifère sur la mine de Yaou
AUPLATA : Enquête publique ouverte du 20 septembre au 20 octobre 2017 pour la mise en oeuvre d'une unité industrielle de traitement par cyanuration du minerai aurifère sur la mine de Yaou
Auplata (Euronext Growth - FR0010397760 - ALAUP), 1er producteur d'or français coté en Bourse, informe que la préfecture de la région Guyane, par arrêté de la Direction de l'Environnement, de....

EKINOPS : Résultats semestriels 2017 : 2nd semestre consécutif d'EBITDA positif
EKINOPS : Résultats semestriels 2017 : 2nd semestre consécutif d'EBITDA positif
Ekinops (Euronext Paris - FR0011466069 – EKI), concepteur innovant de solutions de transmission sur fibres optiques pour les réseaux télécoms à très haut débit, publie ce jour ses comptes....
3 Ways to Get Around RMDs
3 Ways to Get Around RMDs
Required minimum distributions are many a retiree's bugaboo. RMDs force retirees to withdraw a certain amount of money from their tax-deferred retirement savings accounts, whether they need that....
Can Best Buy Stock Bounce Back After Last Week's 12% Drop?
Can Best Buy Stock Bounce Back After Last Week's 12% Drop?
A spectacular run for Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) shareholders was interrupted last week, as the last major consumer-electronics retailer still standing followed up a strong report with concerns of....
Are Digital Wallets Doomed to Fail?
Are Digital Wallets Doomed to Fail?
The success of digital wallets varies greatly depending upon whom you ask. In early August, Goldman Sachs analysts proclaimed that digital wallet adoption had been "underwhelming to date by nearly....
Better Buy: Sierra Wireless vs. Qualcomm
Better Buy: Sierra Wireless vs. Qualcomm
Investors looking for plays on the Internet of Things may have their eyes on both Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM) and Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ: SWIR). Sierra makes chips and cloud-based software that....
Delta Air Lines' Refinery Bet Is About to Pay Off Again
Delta Air Lines' Refinery Bet Is About to Pay Off Again
Five years ago, Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) made the unusual decision to buy a refinery, to protect against the risk of high crack spreads -- the difference between the cost of crude oil and the....
Residents in These 3 States Are the Likeliest to Vote on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in 2018
Residents in These 3 States Are the Likeliest to Vote on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in 2018
Few industries, if any, are growing as quickly as legal marijuana. According to cannabis research firm ArcView, the North American legal-weed industry generated $6.9 billion in sales in 2016,....
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Professional Gamer?
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Professional Gamer?
E-sports is a rapidly growing industry, and media companies across the board are taking notice.In this episode of Industry Focus: Consumer Goods, Motley Fool analyst Vincent Shen and
The 2 Credit Card Companies With the Most Satisfied Customers
The 2 Credit Card Companies With the Most Satisfied Customers
Americans love their plastic. Last year, for the first time in the Total System Services U.S. Consumer Payment Study's history, credit took over the top spot as the preferred way for U.S.....