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3 Top Dividend Stocks With Yields Over 3%
3 Top Dividend Stocks With Yields Over 3%
The average stock in the S&P 500 pays a dividend yield of just over 1.8%, and stocks with dividends of 3% or more have become somewhat of a rarity, thanks to soaring stock prices in recent....
2017 Has Not Been Kind to Wells Fargo
2017 Has Not Been Kind to Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) didn't have a great year in 2017. The fake-accounts scandal affected 1.5 million more people than was originally expected, and the bank faced several other "mini-scandals"....

SCBSM : Distribution de 0,10 EUR / action et option de paiement en titres
SCBSM : Distribution de 0,10 EUR / action et option de paiement en titres
Compte-rendu de l'Assemblée Générale des actionnaires Paris, le 20 décembre 2017 – Les actionnaires de SCBSM, foncière cotée sur Euronext Paris, réunis en Assemblée Générale le 14 décembre,....
Cryptocurrencies Are Now Worth $600 Billion
Cryptocurrencies Are Now Worth $600 Billion
Throughout history, there's been no better creator of long-term wealth than the stock market. Historically, the stock market returns about 7% annually, inclusive of dividend reinvestment and....
K+S: Kursziel steigt leicht
K+S: Kursziel steigt leicht
In ihrer aktuellsten Studie zu den Aktien des Salz- und Düngemittelherstellers K+S haben die Analysten von Morgan Stanley ihre Einstufung auf „equal weight“ belassen. Nach Meinung von Analyst Paul....
3 Great Stocks for Your Roth IRA
3 Great Stocks for Your Roth IRA
A Roth IRA is funded with after-tax earnings, but any cash you pull out of the account after retirement is tax-free income. So it makes sense to put dividend-paying stocks into your Roth IRA. Thus....
Will 2018 Be Welltower's Best Year Yet?
Will 2018 Be Welltower's Best Year Yet?
Despite a 20% rise in the S&P 500 so far in 2017, real estate hasn't performed well at all. Leading healthcare REIT Welltower (NYSE: HCN) is an excellent example of this, down by nearly 4% for....
5 Top Financial Sector Stories of 2017
5 Top Financial Sector Stories of 2017
Industry Focus: Financials host Michael Douglass and contributor Matt Frankel take a look back at the five most newsworthy financial sector stories of 2017, and what each one means to....
16 Cryptocurrency Facts You Should Know
16 Cryptocurrency Facts You Should Know
Image source: Getty Images.Historically, no asset has been a greater creator of long-term wealth than the stock market. Over time, stocks have generated a 7% annualized return, inclusive of....
Better Buy: Wells Fargo & Company vs. JPMorgan Chase
Better Buy: Wells Fargo & Company vs. JPMorgan Chase
In the banking world, you don't get much bigger than Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) and JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM). These sprawling financials are exactly half of the "big four" group of U.S. banks, the....
2 Brilliant High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Now
2 Brilliant High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Now
Some of the most attractive dividend-paying stocks available are real estate investment trusts, or REITs. When you buy shares of a REIT, you're essentially buying into physical assets with long....
Citigroup: Commerzbank bleibt ein Kauf, Deutsche Bank verkaufen
Citigroup: Commerzbank bleibt ein Kauf, Deutsche Bank verkaufen
Die Aktienexperten der US-Großbank Citigroup stufen in ihrer aktuellsten Studie zu den Aktien der Commerzbank diese weiter mit „Buy“ ein. Als Grund sehen sie ein sich verringerndes Tempo bei den....

SCBSM : Distribution de 0,10 EUR / action et option de paiement en titres
SCBSM : Distribution de 0,10 EUR / action et option de paiement en titres
Compte-rendu de l'Assemblée Générale des actionnaires Paris, le 19 décembre 2017 – Les actionnaires de SCBSM, foncière cotée sur Euronext Paris, réunis en Assemblée Générale le 14 décembre,....
3 Cryptocurrencies That Outperformed Ethereum in 2017
3 Cryptocurrencies That Outperformed Ethereum in 2017
It may be the holiday season, but cryptocurrencies have been playing the role of St. Nick for virtual currency investors since the beginning of the year.When the calendar turned to 2017, the....
The 4 Best Bank Stocks of 2017
The 4 Best Bank Stocks of 2017
The stock market has performed well in 2017, and the financial sector has been one of the best-performing areas of the market, up 20% so far this year. However, some banks have performed....

EuroLand Corporate : Conseil de l'augmentation de capital de Visiativ pour un montant de 15,1 M EUR couronnée d'un très large succès
EuroLand Corporate : Conseil de l'augmentation de capital de Visiativ pour un montant de 15,1 M EUR couronnée d'un très large succès
18 décembre 2017. EuroLand Corporate a conseillé Visiativ dans la réalisation de l'augmentation de capital avec maintien du droit préférentiel de souscription, pour un montant de 15,1 M€ pour....
Why Are Stock Valuations So High Right Now?
Why Are Stock Valuations So High Right Now?
If you look at stock prices right now, you'd be excused for thinking they're high. That's because they are. The bigger question is: Why are they so high?You can get a sense for just how pricey....
If You're in Your 60s, Consider Buying These 2 Stocks
If You're in Your 60s, Consider Buying These 2 Stocks
If you're in your 60s, you've spent most of your adult life focused on building your nest egg. Now, however, things are changing and you're going to need to shift to using your portfolio to....
5 Big Banks Currently Testing Ripple's Blockchain Technology
5 Big Banks Currently Testing Ripple's Blockchain Technology
When the calendar does finally turn on 2017, investors are liable to look back in awe at a truly remarkable year for cryptocurrencies. According to data from on the aggregate....
3 Stocks That Could Double Your Money
3 Stocks That Could Double Your Money
Just about any investor can double their money if they pick well-run companies -- or even a basket of companies -- and wait. An investment strategy as simple as buying an S&P 500 index fund....
Here's Why Bank Stocks Had a Stellar 2017
Here's Why Bank Stocks Had a Stellar 2017
Bank stocks have consistently performed well since bottoming out in the wake of the financial crisis. But this past year was nevertheless one to remember for people who hold bank stocks in their....
Deutsche Bank: Kursziel steigt
Deutsche Bank: Kursziel steigt
Die Pläne der Deutschen Bank für einen möglichen Börsengang ihrer Vermögensverwaltung haben Analyst Michael Seufert von der NordLB veranlasst, sein Kursziel von 14,50 auf 15,50 Euro anzuheben. Er....
3 Stocks for Retirees to Grow Their Nest Egg
3 Stocks for Retirees to Grow Their Nest Egg
Despite the common myth, retirees should not get out of stocks altogether. Stocks are an essential component of a well-allocated investment portfolio, regardless of age.Having said that, when....
A Big Shift Is Underway Among Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple
A Big Shift Is Underway Among Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple
What an incredible year it's been for the cryptocurrency market and investors! All cryptocurrencies combined started the year with an aggregate market cap of $17.7 billion, but they're now (as of....
Better Buy: Textainer Group Holdings Limited vs. Nordic American Tanker
Better Buy: Textainer Group Holdings Limited vs. Nordic American Tanker
The global shipping industry has been a sinking ship in recent years. A glut of containers, overleveraged balance sheets, and revoked or sharply reduced dividends have pushed many leading stocks....