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Why, Inc. Stock Is Up 35% This Year
Why, Inc. Stock Is Up 35% This Year (NASDAQ: AMZN) stock has surged 35% this year, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence, as the e-commerce giant has ridden a broader wave in tech stocks and continued to put
Is the Restaurant Industry Amazon's Next Target?
Is the Restaurant Industry Amazon's Next Target?
Diners' interest in getting food delivered to their doorstep is on the rise, and restaurant chains and tech firms alike are taking note. Food delivery could spark a new arena of competition in the
Why Shares of Blue Apron Holdings Continue to Get Crushed
Why Shares of Blue Apron Holdings Continue to Get Crushed
When it rains it pours, and Blue Apron Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: APRN) has had a downpour of bad news after its recent initial public offering. Today, news of e-commerce juggernaut (NASDAQ:
A Foolish Take: How Makes Money
A Foolish Take: How Makes Money
Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is taking over the retail industry, but that's not how it makes money.Three-quarters of its operating income last year came from its cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services
Calling a Bottom on Blue Apron Stock Is Dangerous
Calling a Bottom on Blue Apron Stock Is Dangerous (NASDAQ: AMZN) rained on Blue Apron's (NYSE: APRN) IPO last month, and now it's a deluge on its business model. is reporting that Amazon filed a trademark application earlier
5 Signs Blue Apron's High Growth Days Are Over
5 Signs Blue Apron's High Growth Days Are Over
Meal-kit maker Blue Apron's (NYSE: APRN) public debut in late June was one of the most disappointing IPOs in recent history. The company went public at $10 per share, but it's already shed about a
Some Days, the Business World Is Full of Surprises
Some Days, the Business World Is Full of Surprises
On this Market Foolery podcast, host Mac Greer is joined by Motley Fool Total Income's Ron Gross and Million Dollar Portfolio's Matt Argersinger to discuss several notable items and what they mean for
Why I Just Bought Rite Aid Stock
Why I Just Bought Rite Aid Stock
Shares of Rite Aid Corp. (NYSE: RAD) have been hammered since its merger with Walgreen Boots Alliance (NASDAQ: WBA) fell apart. The stock plummeted 26% on June 29 when the news broke, and has
How Much Money Would You Have If You'd Bought $10,000 of Amazon Stock In 1997?
How Much Money Would You Have If You'd Bought $10,000 of Amazon Stock In 1997?
Jeff Bezos founded (NASDAQ: AMZN) in his garage in 1994 as an online bookstore, during the early days of online shopping. I remember ordering my first college textbooks on Amazon in 2000
Hollywood Isn't Going to Stop Hating on Netflix Anytime Soon
Hollywood Isn't Going to Stop Hating on Netflix Anytime Soon
In what has become an annual event, a group of theater owners have banded together against streaming pioneer Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) and are refusing to show one of the company's original
What Investors Missed in the Market This Week
What Investors Missed in the Market This Week
There was quite a bit going on in the markets this week, with retail in the spotlight -- though not for a good reason. According to the government, sales at retailers nationwide dropped 0.2% in June
Amazon Prime Day: Consumers Win, Investors Really Win
Amazon Prime Day: Consumers Win, Investors Really Win
The day after Thanksgiving is often referred to as "Black Friday" in the US, based on the inaccurate notion that retail stores operate unprofitably all year, finally turning a profit due to the
It's Not a Great Time to Be a Great American Brand
It's Not a Great Time to Be a Great American Brand
On this Market Foolery podcast, host Chris Hill and Motley Fool Funds' Bill Barker parse some of the more interesting news items of the day from the business world: An analyst report let the air out
3 Value Stocks for Audacious Investors
3 Value Stocks for Audacious Investors
The stock market as measured by the S&P 500 Index currently trades at about 26 times earnings, one of the highest multiples since the early 2000s. Investors who want to dip their toes into value bets
Amazon Wants to Set Up Your Smart Home
Amazon Wants to Set Up Your Smart Home
People are willing to pay a lot for in-home tech support. Last year, Best Buy's (NYSE: BBY) services segment, which includes the Geek Squad, generated over $2 billion in revenue for the company
Forget Costco Wholesale Corp: Here Are 3 Better Dividend Stocks
Forget Costco Wholesale Corp: Here Are 3 Better Dividend Stocks
Costco (NASDAQ: COST) has one of the more attractive business models in the retail industry. Its subscription setup powers unbeatably low prices that keep customer traffic flowing. And because most of
3 History-Making Stocks
3 History-Making Stocks
Most companies just aim to compete, profit, and win -- a very few totally change the game. Social media giant Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) has altered how nearly 2 billion people spend their idle time
Better Buy: eBay Inc vs., Inc.
Better Buy: eBay Inc vs., Inc.
I live on a busy street right outside of Milwaukee. If you look out the window at mid-day, you'd be shocked at just how many packages are being delivered -- daily! -- by While the company
Why Whole Foods Market, Inc. Stock Has Gained 36% This Year
Why Whole Foods Market, Inc. Stock Has Gained 36% This Year
After years of disappointing results, Whole Foods Market, Inc. (NASDAQ: WFM) shares finally rebounded this year, first on interest from activist investors, and then later, when the company agreed to
Blue Apron Stock Can't Fall Forever
Blue Apron Stock Can't Fall Forever
Blue Apron's (NYSE: APRN) turn in the spotlight hasn't been as glamorous as it had hoped.First, the nation's leading meal-kit provider was forced to slash its price offering price from $15 to $17 a
2 Ways To Play E-Commerce That Are Better Than Amazon
2 Ways To Play E-Commerce That Are Better Than Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has been the best performing stock on the market since its 1997 IPO, returning a whopping 50,000% over its history.Today, the company is one of the most valuable in the
Why E-Commerce Could Be Instagram's Biggest Hidden Opportunity
Why E-Commerce Could Be Instagram's Biggest Hidden Opportunity
Nike Inc (NYSE: NKE) made waves last month when it said it would begin selling on (NASDAQ: AMZN) for the first time ever, but the sportswear giant made another announcement that may be more
How Brilliant Amazon's Prime Day Really Is
How Brilliant Amazon's Prime Day Really Is
In this segment from Market Foolery, host Chris Hill and Motley Fool Rule Breakers' Aaron Bush discuss the value of Prime Day for Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and its third-party merchants, which is far
Should You Follow the Stampede Into These Stocks?
Should You Follow the Stampede Into These Stocks?
Momentum investors can cause a stock to surge as everyone rushes in to buy up its shares -- just look at the price action of pretty much any IPO. But following the crowd can cause disaster, too, like
Why Target, Gamestop, and Barnes & Noble Shares Have Tumbled in 2017
Why Target, Gamestop, and Barnes & Noble Shares Have Tumbled in 2017
Some call it the retail apocalypse.That name reflects the massive turmoil in the sector, where many brick-and-mortar chains have been struggling in the face of ever-growing digital competition