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EQS-News: Annual General Meeting of Telefónica Deutschland resolves dividend of EUR 0.18 per share for the financial year 2022:
EQS-News: Annual General Meeting of Telefónica Deutschland resolves dividend of EUR 0.18 per share for the financial year 2022
EQS-News: Annual General Meeting of Telefónica Deutschland resolves dividend of EUR 0.18 per share for the financial year 2022
EQS-News: freenet AG: Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 1.68 per share (previous year: EUR 1.57):
EQS-News: freenet AG: Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 1.68 per share (previous year: EUR 1.57)
EQS-News: freenet AG: Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 1.68 per share (previous year: EUR 1.57)
EQS-News: freenet AG: Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 1.68 per share (previous year: EUR 1.57):
EQS-News: freenet AG: Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 1.68 per share (previous year: EUR 1.57)
EQS-News: freenet AG: Annual General Meeting resolves dividend of EUR 1.68 per share (previous year: EUR 1.57)
EQS-News: 1&1 with a good start to the year :
EQS-News: 1&1 with a good start to the year
EQS-News: 1&1 with a good start to the year
EQS-News: 1&1 with a good start to the year :
EQS-News: 1&1 with a good start to the year
EQS-News: 1&1 with a good start to the year
EQS-News: Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG: Robust start to the year confirming FY23 outlook with ongoing commercial momentum driving sustained operational & financial performance:
EQS-News: Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG: Robust start to the year confirming FY23 outlook with ongoing commercial momentum driving sustained operational & financial performance
EQS-News: Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG: Robust start to the year confirming FY23 outlook with ongoing commercial momentum driving sustained operational & financial performance
EQS-News: Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG: Robust start to the year confirming FY23 outlook with ongoing commercial momentum driving sustained operational & financial performance:
EQS-News: Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG: Robust start to the year confirming FY23 outlook with ongoing commercial momentum driving sustained operational & financial performance
EQS-News: Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG: Robust start to the year confirming FY23 outlook with ongoing commercial momentum driving sustained operational & financial performance
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet starts the 2023 financial year with a significant increase in EBITDA:
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet starts the 2023 financial year with a significant increase in EBITDA
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet starts the 2023 financial year with a significant increase in EBITDA
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet starts the 2023 financial year with a significant increase in EBITDA:
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet starts the 2023 financial year with a significant increase in EBITDA
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet starts the 2023 financial year with a significant increase in EBITDA
Europäische Raumfahrt- und Telekommunikationsakteure unterzeichnen Partnerschaftsabkommen zur Bewerbung um IRIS2-Konstellation:
Europäische Raumfahrt- und Telekommunikationsakteure unterzeichnen Partnerschaftsabkommen zur Bewerbung um IRIS2-Konstellation

Eine Gruppe europäischer Raumfahrt- und Telekommunikationsakteure hat sich zu einer Partnerschaft zusammengeschlossen, um an der von der Europäischen Kommission durchgeführten Ausschreibung für die

European Space and Telecoms Players Sign Partnership Agreement to Bid for IRIS2 Constellation:
European Space and Telecoms Players Sign Partnership Agreement to Bid for IRIS2 Constellation

A group of European space and telecommunications players have come together to form a partnership to respond to the European Commission’s call for tender related to the future European satellite

SES’s Third and Fourth O3b mPOWER Satellites Successfully Launched:
SES’s Third and Fourth O3b mPOWER Satellites Successfully Launched

Two additional O3b mPOWER satellites were successfully launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, United States, at 6:12 pm local time, SES announced

EQS-Adhoc: 1&1 with successful fiscal year 2022:
EQS-Adhoc: 1&1 with successful fiscal year 2022
EQS-Adhoc: 1&1 with successful fiscal year 2022
EQS-Adhoc: 1&1 with successful fiscal year 2022:
EQS-Adhoc: 1&1 with successful fiscal year 2022
EQS-Adhoc: 1&1 with successful fiscal year 2022
EQS-News: freenet confirms 2022 preliminary results, dividend proposal of 1.68 euros and 2023 guidance:
EQS-News: freenet confirms 2022 preliminary results, dividend proposal of 1.68 euros and 2023 guidance
EQS-News: freenet confirms 2022 preliminary results, dividend proposal of 1.68 euros and 2023 guidance
EQS-News: freenet confirms 2022 preliminary results, dividend proposal of 1.68 euros and 2023 guidance:
EQS-News: freenet confirms 2022 preliminary results, dividend proposal of 1.68 euros and 2023 guidance
EQS-News: freenet confirms 2022 preliminary results, dividend proposal of 1.68 euros and 2023 guidance
EQS-News: 1&1 AG:  Deutsche Telekom loses in Court: 1&1 builds Europe's most advanced 5G network:
EQS-News: 1&1 AG: Deutsche Telekom loses in Court: 1&1 builds Europe's most advanced 5G network
EQS-News: 1&1 AG: Deutsche Telekom loses in Court: 1&1 builds Europe's most advanced 5G network
EQS-News: 1&1 AG:  Deutsche Telekom loses in Court: 1&1 builds Europe's most advanced 5G network:
EQS-News: 1&1 AG: Deutsche Telekom loses in Court: 1&1 builds Europe's most advanced 5G network
EQS-News: 1&1 AG: Deutsche Telekom loses in Court: 1&1 builds Europe's most advanced 5G network
EQS-News: 1&1 requests the Federal Cartel Office [Bundeskartellamt] to review the hindrance of the construction of the fourth German mobile network. Slight delays in network launch possible. :
EQS-News: 1&1 requests the Federal Cartel Office [Bundeskartellamt] to review the hindrance of the construction of the fourth German mobile network. Slight delays in network launch possible.
EQS-News: 1&1 requests the Federal Cartel Office [Bundeskartellamt] to review the hindrance of the construction of the fourth German mobile network. Slight delays in network launch possible.
EQS-News: 1&1 requests the Federal Cartel Office [Bundeskartellamt] to review the hindrance of the construction of the fourth German mobile network. Slight delays in network launch possible. :
EQS-News: 1&1 requests the Federal Cartel Office [Bundeskartellamt] to review the hindrance of the construction of the fourth German mobile network. Slight delays in network launch possible.
EQS-News: 1&1 requests the Federal Cartel Office [Bundeskartellamt] to review the hindrance of the construction of the fourth German mobile network. Slight delays in network launch possible.
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet continues to impress in financial year 2022 and proposes a dividend of 1.68 euros per share:
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet continues to impress in financial year 2022 and proposes a dividend of 1.68 euros per share
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet continues to impress in financial year 2022 and proposes a dividend of 1.68 euros per share
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet continues to impress in financial year 2022 and proposes a dividend of 1.68 euros per share:
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet continues to impress in financial year 2022 and proposes a dividend of 1.68 euros per share
EQS-News: freenet AG: freenet continues to impress in financial year 2022 and proposes a dividend of 1.68 euros per share
EQS-News: Confident FY23 outlook building on strong growth momentum & successful completion of ‘Investment-for-Growth’ programme:
EQS-News: Confident FY23 outlook building on strong growth momentum & successful completion of ‘Investment-for-Growth’ programme
EQS-News: Confident FY23 outlook building on strong growth momentum & successful completion of ‘Investment-for-Growth’ programme
EQS-News: Confident FY23 outlook building on strong growth momentum & successful completion of ‘Investment-for-Growth’ programme:
EQS-News: Confident FY23 outlook building on strong growth momentum & successful completion of ‘Investment-for-Growth’ programme
EQS-News: Confident FY23 outlook building on strong growth momentum & successful completion of ‘Investment-for-Growth’ programme
SES erhält 300-Millionen-Euro-Kredit von EIB:
SES erhält 300-Millionen-Euro-Kredit von EIB

Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) und der führende globale Anbieter von Konnektivitätslösungen für Inhalte SES haben heute bei einem Pressebriefing am Unternehmenssitz im luxemburgischen