Microsoft selbst warnt vor der Verwendung von Internet Explorer, da er nicht mehr den neuesten Web- und Sicherheitsstandards entspricht. Wir können daher nicht garantieren, dass die Seite im Internet Explorer in vollem Umfang funktioniert. Nutze bitte Chrome oder Firefox.

IAAS Greece

IAAS (International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences) Mission: To promote the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas, and to improve the mutual understanding between students in the fields of agriculture and related sciences all over the world. Activities: Annual World Congress, European Directors Meeting, Directors Meeting of Americas, African Directors Meeting, Regional Meetings, National Meetings, Local Committee Activities, Village Concept Project, Exchange Weeks, Exchange Program


Ein Pro- oder Kontra Argument bei einem Wertpapier ausgefüllt
IAAS Greece
sharewise Introduction:
sharewise Introduction
This is a course about the functionalities of sharewise. You will learn about the basics and how to best use the platform.
sharewise advanced features:
sharewise advanced features
You learn how to find  the latest news and find great financial information about your stocks.
Also you get more information about our Pro and Cons feature, where we bring the wisdom of crowds to a new level.

For discussing with your friends and managing your investment clubs we will show you how to create your own stock debates.#