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39,50 €

39,50 €

0,77 %
0,77 %
43,00 €
10:51 / Tradegate WKN: A0M23V / Name: Strabag AT / Aktie / Bau & Bautechnik / Mid Cap /
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Beschreibung Strabag AT

Strabag AT: Ein Blick auf den Baulöwen

Strabag AT (WKN A0M23V) ist ein bedeutendes österreichisches Bauunternehmen, das sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einem angesehenen Namen in der internationalen Bauszene entwickelt hat. Das Unternehmen ist an der Wiener Börse gelistet und gehört zur Strabag SE, einer der größten Baufirmen in Europa. Doch was macht Strabag AT so erfolgreich und was sollten Investoren über dieses Unternehmen wissen?

Kerngeschäft und Marktsegmente

Strabag AT ist in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen des Bausektors tätig, darunter Hoch- und Ingenieurbau, Verkehrsinfrastruktur- und Tiefbau sowie Umwelttechnik. Dabei deckt das Unternehmen Projekte unterschiedlichster Größenordnung und Komplexität ab. Zu den Hauptkompetenzen zählen:

  1. Hochbau: Hierbei geht es hauptsächlich um den Bau von Büro- und Wohngebäuden, Einkaufszentren, Hotels, Schulen und Krankenhäusern.
  2. Ingenieurbau: In diesem Segment ist Strabag AT auf Großprojekte wie Brücken, Tunnel, Dämme und Kraftwerke spezialisiert.
  3. Verkehrsinfrastruktur- und Tiefbau: Straßen, Schienenwege, Flughäfen und Hafenanlagen gehören zu den Projekten in diesem Bereich.
  4. Umwelttechnik: Hier konzentriert sich das Unternehmen auf Umweltsanierungen, Kläranlagen, Wasser- und Windkraftprojekte sowie Abfallentsorgungseinrichtungen.

Durch die breite Aufstellung kann das Unternehmen Aufträge aus verschiedenen Branchen und Ländern generieren, wodurch es sich gegen regionale und zyklische Schwankungen besser absichern kann.

Internationale Präsenz

Die internationale Präsenz von Strabag AT erstreckt sich über Europa und Teile Asiens und Afrikas. Dabei wird der europäische Markt stark dominiert, insbesondere in Ländern wie Deutschland, Polen, Tschechien und der Slowakei. Doch auch der osteuropäische Raum und der Nahe Osten sind für Strabag AT von großer Bedeutung. Diese geografische Streuung ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, sein Portfolio gut zu diversifizieren und das Wachstumspotenzial verschiedener Regionen zu nutzen.

Finanzielle Performance

Strabag AT verzeichnete in den letzten Jahren ein stetiges Wachstum in Bezug auf Umsatz und Gewinn. Das Unternehmen erzielte eine solide finanzielle Performance, die für Investoren attraktiv sein könnte. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt für Anleger ist die stabile Dividendenpolitik, die für Langfrist-Investoren eine gute Ergänzung zum Portfolio darstellen kann.

Aber wie sieht es mit den Risiken aus? Natürlich sind auch Unternehmen wie Strabag AT mit Risiken konfrontiert. Dazu zählen konjunkturelle Einflüsse, politische und wirtschaftliche Unsicherheiten sowie geänderte Umweltauflagen. Es ist daher wichtig, dass Investoren die individuellen Risikofaktoren genau abwägen, bevor sie eine Entscheidung treffen.

Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit

Auch in Sachen Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit ist Strabag AT sehr aktiv. Obwohl der Bausektor tendenziell als ein traditioneller, eher konservativer Markt gilt, hat das Unternehmen bewiesen, dass es zukunftsorientiert handeln kann. Beispielsweise sind digitale Bauprozesse, autonomes Fahren auf Baustellen und der Einsatz von Drohnen zur Inspektion und Überwachung von Projekten bereits Realität bei Strabag AT. Das Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit zeigt sich unter anderem in den zahlreichen Umwelttechnik- und erneuerbare Energieprojekten, die das Unternehmen umsetzt.


Strabag AT ist ein wichtiger Player in der internationalen Bauszene, und die Diversifikation über Geschäftsbereiche und geografische Standorte trägt zur Stabilität und zum Wachstumspotenzial des Unternehmens bei. Die solide finanzielle Performance und die nachhaltige Dividendenpolitik könnten für Langfrist-Investoren attraktiv sein, sofern sie die mit dem Unternehmen verbundenen Risiken angemessen einordnen können. Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit sind zudem Bereiche, in denen Strabag AT zeigt, dass es bereit ist, sich weiterzuentwickeln und den Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu begegnen.

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Mitbewerber von Strabag AT

An Overview of Strabag AT's Major Competitors

Strabag AT (WKN A0M23V) is a publicly listed company with a strong presence in the construction industry across various sectors such as residential, transportation, infrastructure, and environmental engineering. As an industry leader, Strabag AT continually faces competition from multiple companies. In order to thoroughly understand Strabag AT's competitive landscape, let's evaluate four key rivals: Vinci, ACS, Hochtief, and Skanska.

Vinci (EPA: DG)

Vinci is a France-based multinational corporation specializing in the construction and engineering of various types of infrastructure, from airports to rail networks. The company consists of thousands of subsidiary corporations and is recognized for its commitment to sustainability, innovation, and performance. Vinci is one of Europe's largest construction companies, which results in direct competition with Strabag AT in terms of market share and resource allocation.

In comparison to Strabag AT, Vinci's competitive advantage emerges from its strong global presence, financial stability, and diverse clientele. However, Strabag AT holds its own against Vinci by being a dominant force in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) markets and having a strong focus on digitalization and innovative technologies. Consequently, the competition between these two powerhouses remains fierce.

ACS Group (BME: ACS)

The ACS Group is a Spanish multinational corporation dedicated to civil and engineering construction, as well as providing services and development in the realm of infrastructure. Ranked among the top construction companies globally, ACS Group's operations extend across Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Africa.

Similar to Strabag AT, ACS Group is dedicated to delivering environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. Their continuous growth and influential position in the construction industry provide Strabag AT with formidable competition. Nevertheless, Strabag AT's deeper penetration into the CEE market and technological emphasis generate competitive advantages that set it apart from ACS Group.

Hochtief (ETR: HOT)

Hochtief is a German multinational construction company, specializing in transportation infrastructure, energy, and social and urban projects. With its roots dating back to 1875, Hochtief has grown into a global force thanks to its diverse and comprehensive services in various industry sectors.

One of Strabag AT's closest competitors, Hochtief is known for its strong financial performance and strategic expansion, having recently acquired numerous European construction companies. Despite this rivalry, Strabag AT's focus on the CEE region and technological leadership create differentiation when compared to Hochtief.

Skanska (STO: SKA-B)

Skanska is a multinational construction and development company headquartered in Sweden. With operations spanning Europe and the United States, Skanska emphasizes sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions in its infrastructure projects, which include commercial property, residential, and public-private partnership (PPP) ventures.

As one of Strabag AT's primary competitors, Skanska's commitment to sustainability and green construction solutions presents a challenge for Strabag AT's growth. However, Strabag AT's strong presence in the CEE market, coupled with its commitment to cutting-edge technology, allows it to maintain a competitive edge against Skanska.

Emerging Trends and Implications for Strabag AT

Understanding the landscape of Strabag AT's key competitors provides valuable insights into its strategic positioning within the marketplace. The competition remains robust, with each company possessing its own strengths and competitive advantages.

To remain a leader in the industry, Strabag AT must pay close attention to the emerging trends and leverage their understanding to stay ahead of the curve. This includes strengthening its focus on digitalization, emphasising sustainable and green construction practices, and developing comprehensive services that cater to a diverse range of sectors.

Additionally, Strabag AT's strong presence in the CEE market presents opportunities for further growth and expansion, especially considering the region's growing demand for infrastructural development. By continuously improving its technological capabilities and innovative solutions, Strabag AT can confidently face the competition and remain an industry leader.

In conclusion, Strabag AT's competitive landscape is shaped by the four key rivals identified: Vinci, ACS Group, Hochtief, and Skanska. Each competitor poses unique challenges, which Strabag AT needs to address through innovation, sustainability, and expansion. By doing so, Strabag AT can maintain its competitive edge and continue providing top-tier infrastructure solutions across the globe.

Zulieferer von Strabag AT

Strabag AT: Key Suppliers and Their Role in the Company's Success

Strabag AT (WKN A0M23V), a renowned Austrian construction company, leads the industry with a wide range of services, including building construction, civil engineering, and transportation infrastructure. The success of this market giant largely depends on the effectiveness and cooperation of its key suppliers. By understanding Strabag's primary suppliers and their influence on the company's operations, investors can gain a better understanding of the company's overall performance and financial health. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Strabag AT's most important suppliers while discussing their strengths and contributions to the company.

Raw Material Suppliers: The Foundation of Every Construction Project

The availability and quality of raw materials such as cement, steel, and aggregates play a crucial role in determining the success of construction projects. As such, Strabag AT relies on several suppliers to meet its raw material needs.

  1. HeidelbergCement Group: An essential supplier of cement and aggregates, this German company ranks as one of the world's largest integrated manufacturers in the construction material sector. Strabag AT benefits greatly from HeidelbergCement's extensive portfolio, which includes innovative cementitious materials and eco-friendly solutions.

  2. voestalpine AG: This leading Austrian steel company specializes in producing and processing high-quality, high-performance steel products for the construction industry. voestalpine AG is a reliable supplier of steel reinforcements, structural components, and other specialized steel products that Strabag AT relies on throughout various construction projects.

  3. Salzgitter AG: Another prominent supplier of steel for Strabag AT is Salzgitter AG, a German steelmaker that produces a wide range of steel products. Salzgitter's commitment to sustainability and efficient use of resources aligns well with Strabag AT's own environmental targets, making them an ideal partner.

Equipment Suppliers: Ensuring On-time Project Completion

Apart from raw materials, construction equipment and machinery are necessary for the smooth execution of projects. Strabag AT's suppliers in this category include:

  1. Caterpillar Inc.: A leading name in construction and mining equipment, Caterpillar Inc. has a strong global presence and offers a vast array of high-quality construction machinery. Strabag AT's commitment to using cutting-edge technology and equipment goes hand in hand with Caterpillar's extensive expertise and top-notch innovations.

  2. Herrenknecht AG: Specializing in tunnel construction equipment, Herrenknecht AG supplies advanced tunnel boring machines and other related technology for Strabag AT's civil engineering projects. By working with a reliable supplier like Herrenknecht AG, Strabag AT can tackle complex construction challenges and deliver successful results.

  3. Wacker Neuson Group: This Munich-based company caters to Strabag AT's needs for compact construction equipment, offering a wide range of products, such as excavators, loaders, and generators. Wacker Neuson Group's attention to customer needs and constant innovation make them a valuable partner in Strabag AT's operations.

Professional Services Providers: Supporting Strabag's Goals

To ensure successful project completion, Strabag AT works closely with several professional service providers that offer varied expertise in areas such as engineering, architecture, and IT solutions.

  1. Royal HaskoningDHV: This independent, international engineering and project management consultancy firm provides Strabag AT with top-notch engineering services and innovative solutions. Their cooperation allows Strabag AT to address complex construction challenges and achieve on-time project delivery.

  2. SAP SE: Software solutions are integral to the seamless functioning of large construction businesses like Strabag AT. German multinational software corporation SAP SE helps facilitate Strabag AT's digital transformation journey by providing integrated software solutions and services tailored to the construction industry.

Building Strong Relationships for Continued Success

Strabag AT's position as a well-respected player in the construction industry is a testament to not only its innovative approach but also its strategic partnerships with key suppliers. Having reliable and efficient suppliers not only ensures the timely execution of projects but also contributes to better risk management and improved financial performance.

In conclusion, Strabag AT's network of key suppliers from raw material providers to equipment manufacturers and professional service providers are crucial in maintaining its leading position in the competitive construction industry. In an era of growing environmental concerns and demands for smarter infrastructure, Strabag AT stands poised to leverage the expertise of these essential partners and strengthen its value proposition in the market.

Finanzkennzahlen und News zu Strabag AT

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