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Tesla Inc.'s Model 3 Deliveries Start This Week

Tesla Inc.'s Model 3 Deliveries Start This Week

So far, Tesla's (NASDAQ: TSLA) Model 3 launch has followed a far different path from Tesla's last new vehicle. The late-2016-launched Model X encountered some significant problems during development and production. The SUV was several years late to market, and management even admitted to launching the vehicle with "far too much technology" in the first version, resulting in reliability and production challenges. For the Model 3, however, Tesla is not only launching the vehicle on time, but management has also focused on designing the vehicle from the ground up to be much easier to produce in higher volumes.

Now Tesla is ready to begin delivering the vehicle to customers. And you can bet investors will be watching closely. But the handover event this Friday is only one small step for Tesla's plans for the vehicle. Getting to volume production will be the real test.

Model 3. Image source: Tesla.

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Tesla Inc Aktie

227,00 €
-3,40 %
Heute geht es für Tesla Inc stark abwärts mit einem Rückgang von -3,40 %.
Die Tesla Inc Aktie ist etwas beliebter: Mehr Buy- (82) als Sell-Einschätzungen (30).
Das Kursziel von 251 € für Tesla Inc weist auf ein leicht positives Potenzial gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 227.0 € hin.
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