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GROUPE GORGE : Full year 2021 results: strong growth in results and pursuit of the strategic refocusing

Groupe Gorgé has taken major steps in the strategic refocusing and simplification of its activities in 2021. Following the distribution of most of its Prodways Group shares to its shareholders, Groupe Gorgé today announces plans to withdraw from its technical doors activity for the nuclear sector. The company's transformation will continue in 2022 with the acquisition of iXblue in order to create a French technological champion. These operations, combined with the strong growth in the results of the Drones & Systems division, are transforming the company's profitability profile

  • Further important steps in the strategic refocusing
  • Distribution of most of the stake in Prodways Group at the end of 2021;
  • Project to withdraw from the technical doors business for the nuclear sector (subsidiary Baumert), now classified as "discontinued operations";
  • Combination of ECA and iXblue, scheduled for 2022, to create a world-class player in advanced technologies for critical applications.
  • A transformed profitability profile
  • Organic revenue growth of +21% compared to 2020;
  • Current EBITDA margin of 17%, up +7 pts compared to 2020 in the former scope;
  • Net income of €46 million, largely driven by the capital gain recognized on the Prodways Group shares.
  • Drones & Systems: a growth driver
  • Ramp-up in revenues: +20% in 2021
  • Strong growth in current EBITDA of +49%, reflecting a margin of 21%.
  • An improved extra-financial performance
  • Gaïa rating: Groupe Gorgé ranks 12th in its category thanks to a + 8 points improvement in its rating, with progress in all areas.

Major progress in strategic refocusing

Initiated in 2018, the strategy of refocusing the Group's activities began with the disposal of certain subsidiaries in the Engineering & Protection Systems division positioned in highly cyclical sectors (automotive, Oil & Gas): sale of AI Group in 2018, followed by CIMLEC in 2019 and Van Dam in 2020. An important step in this refocusing was then taken in 2020 with the reinforcement in the Drones & Systems division, thanks to the merger with ECA, which is now owned at 100% by Groupe Gorgé.

The simplification of the group continued in 2021 with the achievement of new milestones.

Groupe Gorgé distributes most of its Prodways Group shares to its shareholders

In December 2021, Groupe Gorgé distributed most of its shares in Prodways Group, a leading player in 3D printing, to its shareholders, representing 50.6% of the capital of its subsidiary. Prodways Group is now deconsolidated and classified as "discontinued operations". This operation has enabled Groupe Gorgé to take a major step forward in its simplification, and the company now benefits from increased lisibility and a better profile on the stock markets.

In addition, the transaction generated a €44 million capital gain, which is recorded in net income for the year 2021.

Withdrawal from the technical doors business for the nuclear sector

Groupe Gorgé announces today that it plans to withdraw from the manufacturing and installation of technical doors for the nuclear sector, carried out by its subsidiary Baumert. This new step in the simplification process is in line with the company's strategy of withdrawing from less technology-intensive activities in order to strengthen its position in high-tech markets. This division achieves virtually no synergies with the group's other activities and has been experiencing difficulties for several years. The prospects for the construction of new reactors in France are not expected to generate revenues before 2028.

The plan to withdraw from this activity, which is a negative contributor to earnings, materially strengthens Groupe Gorgé's profitability profile. The details of this withdrawal will be communicated as soon as the project is sufficiently advanced.

Combination between ECA Group and iXblue: emergence of a French technology champion

On March 10, 2021, Groupe Gorgé entered into exclusive negotiations with the shareholders of iXblue to acquire 100% of the company's capital.

This major strategic project marks a turning point in the history of Groupe Gorgé and will create a world-class player in cutting-edge technologies for critical applications, notably in the defense, space and maritime sectors. The transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and could be completed in approximately 3 to 6 months.

More information is available in the dedicated press release (link).

The progress made in refocusing the activities demonstrates the ability of the teams to rapidly and successfully execute the strategic plan. Thanks to this transformation, Groupe Gorgé benefits from improved clarity and a significantly better profitability profile. The clear focus on the Drones & Systems business (through ECA Group), which represents 80% of current EBITDA in 2021, positions Groupe Gorgé as a recognized specialist in the field of autonomous robotics and integrated system.

2021 results: a transformed profitability profile

(in €million) 2021 2020
Change €m
2021 vs
2020 restated
Change %
Revenues 178,3 150,9 231,1 +27,4 +18%
(org. : +21%)
Current EBITDA2 30,2 23,1 24,1 +7,0 +30%
Current EBITDA margin (%) 16,9% 15,3% 10,4% +1,6 pts n.a.
Income from ordinary activities2 15,4 10,3 2,5 +5,1 +50%
Operating income 14,2 11,0 -9,0 +3,2 +29%
Financial result -2,5 -0,9 -1,7 -1,6 -
Tax -3,2 -1,1 0,2 -2,1 -
Net income from discontinued activities 38,3 -20,6 -1,0 +58,9 -
Net income 46,9 -11,5 -11,5 +58,4 -
Net income in group share 46,2 -5,8 -5,8 +52,0 -

The various operations linked to the group's refocusing make it necessary to restate the results of the previous year to ensure comparison with those of the year 2021. The main impacts are the classification as discontinued operations following:

  • The distribution of Prodways Group shares, which results in its deconsolidation and the recognition of an exceptional income.
  • The treatment of the technical doors activity in the nuclear sector as an activity held for sale.

+21% organic revenue growth.

Groupe Gorgé achieved consolidated revenues of €178 million in 2021, excluding discontinued operations (subsidiaries Prodways Group and Baumert). This increase of +18% on a comparable consolidation basis and +21% on an organic basis is the combined result of:

  • The sustained growth momentum of the Drones & Systems business, up by +20% in 2021, reflecting:
  • Successes in the naval sector, where the Group enjoys major competitive advantages and which now accounts for 70% of this division's revenues: +40% growth.
  • Consolidation of leadership in on-board equipment for the aerospace sector (about 20% of revenues): +6% growth.
  • The decline in revenues in other activities, particularly industrial, (about 10% of revenues) still marked by limited investments in the aerospace sector: -24% of revenues.
  • The return to growth in the Engineering & Protection Systems division: +17% in 2021.

More details are available in the dedicated press release of February 23, 2022 (link).

Profits increasing in absolute terms and as a percentage

Groupe Gorgé has generated a current EBITDA of €30 million in 2021, up +30% year-on-year. This performance represents a current EBITDA margin of 17%, a new record for the group. This level achieved represents an increase of +1.6 pt in continuing activities and +6.5 pts compared to 2020 under the previous consolidation scope. This significant improvement is explained by the strategic refocusing on a growing, high-margin division and the withdrawal from less profitable activities:

  • The Drones & Systems division achieved €24 million in current EBITDA in 2021, up +49%. Its current EBITDA margin stands at 21%, a record level for over 10 years.
  • The withdrawal from certain activities in the Engineering & Protection Systems division, which had a negative impact on current EBITDA.
  • The deconsolidation of Prodways Group, whose margins have improved but remain below the group average.

As a result, the group generated an income from ordinary activities of €15.4 m, up +€5 million compared to 2020.

After taking into account exceptional costs of €1.2m (exceptional depreciation and amortization), operating income stands at €14.2 million.

As a consequence, Groupe Gorgé generated record net income of €46 million in 2021 in group share, including the €44 million capital gain recorded on the distribution of Prodways shares in December 2021, partly reduced by the negative contribution of Baumert.

2021 results by division

In € million FY2020 FY2021 Variation
Drones & Systems Revenues 96,2 115,3 +19,9%
Current EBITDA 16,1 24,0 +49,3%
Current EBITDA margin (%) 16,7% 20,8% +4,1 pts
Income from ordinary activities 7,0 11,8 +4,8 M€
Engineering & Protection Systems Revenues 54,8 64,0 +16,8%
Current EBITDA 7,2 4,9 -31,8%
Current EBITDA margin (%) 13,2% 7,7% -5,5 pts
Income from ordinary activities 4,2 3,0 -1,3 M€

Drones & Systems (through ECA Group): +49% current EBITDA

The improvement in profits in the Drones & Systems division is the result of:

  • The ramp-up in revenues, notably due to the successful execution of the BENL program;
  • The good cost control demonstrated by ECA Group teams and the resizing of the on-board equipment activity, pulling the division's profitability upwards.
  • The negative impact in 2021 of the new AMR activity (Autonomous Mobile Robot). The commercialization started during 2021 and is expected to ramp up.

Engineering & Protection Systems: +27% current EBITDA on an organic basis

Following the divestments of Van Dam in 2020 and of Baumert in progress, this division now comprises Consulting in Engineering & Technology and Fire Protection, with active (sprinklers, water mist, fire networks, etc.) and passive (fire doors, partitions and glass) protection solutions.

Revenue growth of +17%, and +26% on an organic basis, was driven by the continued development of the consulting in engineering, with an increase in the number of employees and in the number of assignments in progress. The good performance of the fire protection business is also contributing to revenue growth in 2021.

The contribution to current EBITDA from this division reached €4.9 m this year, compared with €7.2 m in 2020. This decline is explained by a capital gain on the disposal of an asset (sale of the Van Dam company) that was recognized in 2020. On an organic basis and restated for this capital gain, current EBITDA is up 27%, in line with the growth in revenues.

Significant progress in extra-financial performance

Groupe Gorgé has made significant progress in its ESG policy in all three areas of Environment, Social and Governance. This improvement has been rewarded by an increase of 8 points in the Gaïa Rating with a score of 78/100 at the end of the company's latest evaluation.

As a result of this improvement, Groupe Gorgé has been included for the first time in the Gaïa-Index, the French benchmark index for Small & MidCaps, which distinguishes the 70 most virtuous French SMEs in terms of extra-financial performance. The company is one of the 9 new entrants to the index and ranks 12th in its category3.

This progress is expected to continue in the coming years thanks to the setting of targeted objectives and the growing involvement of all Groupe Gorgé teams, supported by the Board of Directors.


On December 22, 2021, Groupe Gorgé paid an exceptional dividend to its shareholders in the form of a distribution in kind of Prodways Group shares. This distribution represented an amount of €4.11 per Groupe Gorgé share. Following this significant distribution, Groupe Gorgé will propose to the Annual General Meeting of 16 June 2022 that no ordinary dividend be paid for the 2021 financial year. This decision is made in the context of the operation of rapprochement between ECA Group and iXblue, the financing of which mobilizes the group's resources, thus avoiding a capital increase and dilution for shareholders.

Upcoming events

An event to present the merger between ECA Group and iXBlue to the financial community will take place on April 6, 2022 at 9:00 am. Groupe Gorgé will take the opportunity to answer questions from analysts and investors regarding the 2021 annual results and growth prospects.

About Groupe Gorgé

Groupe Gorgé is a high-tech industrial group driven by a strong entrepreneurial culture. The Group is present in drones, engineering and protection systems. The Group generated revenue of €202 million in 2021.

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Groupe Gorgé is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment B (GOE).

Investor Relations
Hugo Soussan
Tel. +33 (0)1 44 77 94 86
[email protected]

Claire Riffaud
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 79
[email protected]
Media Relations
Manon Clairet
Tel. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 73
[email protected]


Consolidated income statement

(in thousands of euros) 2021 20204
Revenue 178 273 150 913
Capitalized production 11 569 7 899
Inventories and work in progress (1 907) 2 086
Other income from operations 8 185 5 151
Purchases and external charges (84 003) (77 177)
Personnel expenses (82 294) (68 197)
Tax and duties (1 898) (1 862)
Depreciation, amortization, and provisions (net of reversals) (14 784) (12 870)
Other operating income and expenses 2 253 4 329
Income from ordinary activities 15 394 10 271
Group share of the earnings of affiliated companies - -
Non-recurring items in operating income (1 166) 776
operating income 14 228 11 047
Interest on gross debt (2 293) (990)
Interest on cash and cash equivalents 4 23
net borrowing cost (a) (2 289) (967)
Other financial income (b) 173 394
Other financial expense (c) (347) (285)
financial income and expenses (d=a+b+c) (2 463) (858)
Income tax (3 179) (1 066)
net income from continuing operations 8 586 9 123
Net income from discontinued operations 38 286 (20 634)
consolidated net income 46 871 (11 510)
Average number of shares 17 218 321 13 524 747

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(in thousands of euros) 2021 20205
net income from continuing operations 8 586 9 123
Accruals 10 306 15 199
Capital gains and losses on disposals 13 (8 520)
Group share of income of equity-accounted companies 0 0
Cash flow from operations (before neutralization of the net borrowing cost and taxes) 18 904 15 803
Expense for net debt 2 289 967
Tax expense 3 179 1 066
cash flow (after neutralization of the net borrowing cost and taxes) 24 372 17 835
Tax paid (1 448) (1 560)
Change in working capital requirements (34 752) 25 002
net cash flow from operating activities (a) (11 827) 41 277
Investing activities    
Payments/acquisition of intangible assets (12 799) (13 727)
Payments/acquisition of property, plant and equipment (12 493) (4 062)
Proceeds/disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 20 7 143
Payments/acquisition & Proceeds/disposal of non-current financial assets (66) 124
Net cash inflow/outflow on the acquisition/disposal of subsidiaries - (729)
net cash flow from investing activities (B) (25 338) (11 251)
Financing activities    
Capital increase or contributions - -
Dividends paid to parent company shareholders (5 509) (4 319)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (360) (1 484)
Other equity transactions (3 213) (32 654)
Proceeds from borrowings 118 476 34 458
Repayment of borrowings (83 150) (12 600)
Cost of net debt (1 811) (896)
cash flow generated by continuing operations (d = a+b+c) (12 732) 12 531
Cash flow generated by discontinued operations (8 253) 9 116
Effects of exchange rate changes (20 985) 21 647
Effects of exchange rate changes of the year 16 (18)
Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the year 57 857 46 839
Restatement of cash and cash equivalents cash equivalents at the end of the year (2 308) (1 495)
cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 42 835 57 857

Consolidated balance sheet - Assets

(in thousands of euros) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020
  non-current assets 116 244 169 696
  Goodwill  23 792 63 245
  Other intangible assets  34 172 41 371
  Property, plant and equipment  38 355 47 038
  Investments in affiliated companies  5 1 139
  Other financial assets  18 543 12 090
  Deferred tax assets  1 378 4 813
  Other non-current assets - -
  current assets 203 565 259 300
  Net inventories  23 003 33 400
  Net trade receivables  43 757 44 443
  Contract assets  63 189 63 393
  Other current assets  17 115 21 334
  Tax receivables payable  13 375 14 061
  Other current financial assets  217 2
  Cash and cash equivalents  42 909 82 668
  Assets held for sale 32 751 -
  total assets 352 560 428 996

Bilan consolidé - Passif

(in thousands of euros) 31/2/2021 31/12/2020
  equity attributable to owner of the parent 59 300 94 887
  Stakes attributable to non-controlling interests 5 001 31 401
  Non-current liabilities 107 355 89 389
  Long-term provisions  5 224 7 978
  Long-term liabilities – portion due in more than one year  86 696 60 304
  Lease liabilities – portion due in more than one year  11 972 18 187
  Other financial liabilities  3 138 2 133
  Deferred tax liabilities  150 447
  Other non-current liabilities  175 341
  current liabilities 148 643 213 319
  Short-term provisions  4 881 8 810
  Long-term liabilities – portion due in less than one year  41 114 54 357
  Lease liabilities – portion due in less than one year  3 279 5 945
  Operating payables  32 843 49 529
  Contract liabilities  22 504 38 749
  Other current liabilities  43 780 55 423
  Tax liabilities payable  242 506
  Liabilities held for sale 32 260 -
  total liabilities 352 560 428 996

Definitions of alternative performance indicators

  • Current EBITDA: Operating income before “depreciation, amortization and provisions”, “other items of operating income” and “Group share of the earnings of affiliated companies”.
  • Income from ordinary activities: Operating income before “other items of operating income” and “Group share of the earnings of affiliated companies”.
  • Net Debt : Net debt excluding lease liabilities resulting from the application of IFRS 16 and including the value of treasury stock.

1 2020 income statement adjusted for the contributions of Prodways Group and Baumert, reclassified in application of IFRS 5 concerning discontinued operations.

2 See glossary in the appendix for a definition of alternative performance indicators.

3 Category of evaluated companies with sales between €150 and €500 million, i.e. 85 companies

4 Restated 2020 figures

5 2020 restated for discontinued operations and a change in presentation of the costs of obtaining contracts restated as an intangible asset (in acquisition of fixed assets and in amortization) and no longer in the WCR.

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17,62 €
-1,45 %
Ein signifikanter Verlust für Groupe Gorge heute, um -1,45 %.

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