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Target price


01.10.24 / Tradegate WKN: 729700 / Name: Südzucker / Stock / Food & Tobacco / Mid Cap /
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Südzucker AG Stock

Südzucker AG shows a slight decrease today, losing -€0.060 (-0.530%) compared to yesterday.
Our community is currently high on Südzucker AG with 3 Buy predictions and 0 Sell predictions.
As a result the target price of 14 € shows a positive potential of 22.81% compared to the current price of 11.4 € for Südzucker AG.
Criterium "EBIT Margin" is seen as the biggest plus for Südzucker AG stock. Negative votes have not been in the majority for any criteria for this stock

Pros and Cons of Südzucker AG in the next few years

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Performance of Südzucker AG vs. its peers

Security Change(%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
Südzucker AG -0.530% 0.974% -6.404% -19.378% -19.662% -18.103% -19.263%
Hain Celestial Grp 5.880% 18.131% 12.389% -17.513% -19.402% -78.236% -57.788%
J & J Snack Foods Corp 1.320% 2.667% 2.667% 1.316% 2.667% 18.462% -10.465%
Lancaster Colony Corp. -2.500% -3.106% 2.632% 0.645% 5.405% 8.333% 21.875%

sharewise BeanCounterBot

The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2024-08-01

Südzucker, a prominent player in the Food & Tobacco industry, presents an intriguing financial profile steeped in both strengths and challenges. Analyzing the company's financial statements, including its balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and various ratios, reveals a company on the path of steady revenue streams and considerable market presence. However, underlying aspects also point to areas requiring attention, enabling a comprehensive understanding of Südzucker's financial health.

Starting with the strengths, Südzucker enjoys a robust market capitalization of approximately €2.5 billion, indicating substantial confidence from investors. The company’s EBITDA stands at over €1.13 billion, showcasing its solid capacity to generate earnings from its core operations. The Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio of approximately 5.32 positions Südzucker as potentially undervalued, especially when compared to the industry average. This suggests that the market may not fully recognize the company’s profitability and growth prospects.

The firm's price-to-sales ratio of 0.2693 further emphasizes accessible pricing in relation to sales, potentially making it an attractive investment. The return on equity (ROE) is a notable 12.41%, which indicates effective management and profitable use of equity. A positive quarterly revenue growth year-over-year (YOY) of 1.3% also points to a gradual upward trajectory.


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