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01.10.24 / Tradegate WKN: A0YJW7 / Name: Zealand / Stock / Biotechnology & Medical Research / Small Cap /
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Better Buy: Celsius Stock at a 52-Week Low or a 50/50 Split of Dividend Kings Pepsi and Coca-Cola?:
Better Buy: Celsius Stock at a 52-Week Low or a 50/50 Split of Dividend Kings Pepsi and Coca-Cola?

The beverage industry doesn't get disrupted easily. Sure, new products may catch on as fads. But it's rare for a brand to achieve global recognition.

Red Bull pioneered the energy drink industry and

Prediction: This Hypergrowth Space Stock Will Be Worth More Than SpaceX In 10 Years:
Prediction: This Hypergrowth Space Stock Will Be Worth More Than SpaceX In 10 Years

SpaceX has been a remarkable success over the last 15 years. It brought the space flight industry in the United States -- really, around the world -- back to life and inspired plenty of copycats

This Rising Biotech Is a Fantastic Weight-Loss Stock to Buy Now:
This Rising Biotech Is a Fantastic Weight-Loss Stock to Buy Now

As we all know, the weight-loss drug revolution is making a lot of companies rich, and the party's just getting started. Weight-loss drug developers like the Danish biotech Zealand Pharma (OTC:

Prediction: Rocket Lab Gets a New Neighbor in SpaceX:
Prediction: Rocket Lab Gets a New Neighbor in SpaceX

Five years ago -- even before its IPO -- small rocket company and SpaceX rival Rocket Lab USA (NASDAQ: RKLB) had an announcement to make.

Despite its name, Rocket Lab was primarily a New Zealand

Why Latham Group Stock Is Making a Splash Today:
Why Latham Group Stock Is Making a Splash Today

Swimming pool manufacturer Latham Group (NASDAQ: SWIM) rode a wave of cost cuts to better-than-expected earnings. Investors are diving in, sending Latham shares up 42% as of 2:30 p.m. ET.


Missed Out on Eli Lilly? This Much Smaller Biotech Has 2 Promising Weight Loss Assets in its Portfolio:
Missed Out on Eli Lilly? This Much Smaller Biotech Has 2 Promising Weight Loss Assets in its Portfolio

Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY) has become a big name in the anti-obesity market with the recent approval of Zepbound, which is likely to rake in billions in revenue alongside Mounjaro, the company's diabetes