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1 in 3 Current Retirees Is Considering a Return to Work. Be Mindful of This Social Security Pitfall If You Go This Route.

Times are tough for a lot of retirees. Inflation has driven living costs higher, and many older Americans are having a hard time paying their bills.

It's therefore not surprising to learn that 33% of current retirees are planning or actively considering a return to work, according to a recent Nationwide survey. While for some people, that decision will relate to social reasons and the desire to have more of a routine, the top reason cited for returning to work in some capacity is the fear of running out of money.

If you're a retiree looking to return to a job in some shape or form, you may find that it not only improves your financial picture, but also helps to add structure and meaning to your days. But if you're collecting Social Security, you'll need to be careful if a return to the workforce is imminent.

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