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3 Questions FIRE Movement Participants Need to Ask Themselves Before Retiring

As someone with a bunch of hobbies I never seem to have enough time for, I totally get the appeal of the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement. You save half or more of your income, live frugally, and invest as much as you can, and then you retire in your 30s or 40s while most of your friends are still slaving away at their jobs for another 20 or 30 years. Sounds great, right?

But despite the obvious appeal, I'm not actually a FIRE movement follower, in part because I'm leery of all the variables involved. Retirement is unpredictable no matter how long it lasts, and the longer your retirement, the more unpredictable it is.

That doesn't mean the FIRE movement can't work. There are plenty of people who prove that it can. But you need to be prepared for some of the variables you may encounter if you'd like to stay retired for the rest of your life. Here are three questions all FIRE movement participants should ask themselves before they retire.

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