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3 Stocks to Recession-Proof Your Portfolio

This past summer, the chorus of voices anticipating a recession -- a decline in economic activity -- reached the loudest levels since at least the financial crisis of 2008-2009. The yield curve was inverted, the U.S.-China trade war raged on, the Federal government was running record deficits, and some economies around the globe (looking at you Europe) were sliding dangerously close to economic contraction. 

Many of those worries have since subsided, and the stock market has surged and is sporting new all-time highs. Still, some investors may yet fear a recession is on the horizon. After all, such events take time to develop once the initial signs are observed. Nevertheless, selling out of all stocks would be a mistake. Three that can help batten down the hatches are AT&T (NYSE: T), Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA), and Facebook (NASDAQ: FB).

AT&T has turned into a polarizing stock, especially since its controversial and incredibly expensive $42.5 billion-plus stock takeover of Time Warner in 2018. This past summer, shares of the No. 2 telecom in the U.S. surged after it cut a deal with activist investor Elliott Management, agreeing to slim down on expenses to improve profitability and stating there would be no more major acquisitions.

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