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3 Tech Stocks With More Potential Than Any Cryptocurrency

We learned in 2022 that some parts (maybe all?) of the cryptocurrency industry are built as a house of cards. When the foundations were found to be flimsy, the collapse didn't take long and several hedge funds lost big and were eventually forced to file for bankruptcy protection. In one case, it's estimated that at least $10 billion was stolen by FTX Trading executives from the company's customers in what could turn out to be one of the largest economic frauds in history.

When the dust from the collapse settles, customers who deposited their savings on the FTX platform will likely never get that money back. In some cases, it could have been wealth they built up for years and planned to use in retirement. It's a mess.

My take on the whole situation is that the crypto markets are un-investable. People looking to save up in retirement would clearly be better off investing their funds in common stocks. Those looking to avoid the stress and perils of the cryptocurrency market should really consider a closer look at these three technology stocks instead. 

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