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Almost 60% of U.S. Adults Don't Have Retirement Savings, Data Shows. Here's What Might Happen If You Don't Build Any

As someone who writes about saving for retirement all the time, it sort of pains me to admit that I did not, in fact, begin funding my nest egg the moment I found myself working on a full-time basis. Back then, in my early 20s, my priority was paying off my student loans and building up an emergency fund. I refused to put a dime into a retirement plan until I'd met those goals.

These days, I contribute to a retirement plan regularly. But I have a lot of friends who don't -- and the reason often boils down to mounting expenses.

As much as I might sound old saying it, it costs more money to function as an adult these days than it did when I was growing up. Nowadays, you need a cellphone, and cable or streaming services, and so forth.

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