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Could P&G Stock Be the Perfect Bear Market Buy?

Investors often want safety from their investments when markets get rocky; I don't blame them. Seeing your portfolio fall by 10%, 30%, 50%, or more can be extremely disheartening. A blue-chip stock can fall too, but there's something comforting about having your money in a company with the fundamentals to endure the pain of a recession or broader market decline instead of what was supposedly the next big thing.

Household goods conglomerate Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG) might be the textbook example of a safe stock. It has a collection of features that make it arguably the perfect stock for a bear market, but does that mean you should buy it today? Here is what you need to know now and moving forward.

You might not immediately recognize the name Procter & Gamble; it's a conglomerate that operates behind the scenes, selling its many brands under their designated name. For example, just about everyone knows what Old Spice deodorant is. But look on the back of the label, and you'll see Procter & Gamble's name. The same holds for 65 individual product brands across 10 categories ranging from fabric care to dental products.

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