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DGAP-News: After a good year, CEWE also plans for strong results in 2022

DGAP-News: CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA / Key word(s): Annual Report/Forecast
After a good year, CEWE also plans for strong results in 2022

31.03.2022 / 07:00
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

After a good year, CEWE also plans for strong results in 2022

  • 2021 business figures presented at Annual Press Conference: 692.8 million euros turnover, EBIT of 72.2 million euros reaches planned target corridor for 2021
  • 13th consecutive dividend increase: dividend for fiscal 2021 to rise to 2.35 euros per share
  • Strong results also planned for 2022: Turnover expected in the range of 680 to 740 million euros, EBIT to be between 65 and 80 million euros

Oldenburg, 31 March 2022. CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA (SDAX, ISIN: DE 0005403901) today presented its results for 2021 and the outlook for 2022 at its annual press and analysts' conference. The company closed fiscal 2021 with another strong result: At 72.2 million euros, operating profit (EBIT) reached a value within the target range of 72 to 84 million euros planned for 2021 (2020 EBIT: 79.7 million euros). Turnover amounted to 692.8 million euros (2020: 727.3 million euros). In 2020, especially in the Christmas business, the Corona-related "stay-at-home" effect had an even greater impact on demand for photo products than in the fiscal year now ended. Compared to the pre-Corona year 2019, the EBIT achieved in 2021 increased by around 27% (EBIT 2019: 56.8 million euros). The dividend for fiscal 2021 is expected to increase to €2.35 per share (previous year: €2.30). Subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting, this will be the thirteenth dividend increase in a row. CEWE is thus one of the few German companies that can boast a dividend that has been increasing for so many years. "The results of the 2021 business year once again document that CEWE is excellently positioned. It is this continuous and reliable development on all dimensions that provides CEWE with a secure and solid foundation strategically - even in view of the current political and economic crisis situation. I would like to thank all employees of the CEWE Group for their outstanding performance, which makes this development possible," emphasizes Dr. Christian Friege, CEO of CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA. CEWE is also planning to achieve strong results in the 2022 business year: Group turnover is expected to reach a value in the range of 680 to 740 million euros in 2022, and Group EBIT is expected to be in the corridor of 65 to 80 million euros.

Outlook 2022: EBIT expected to be in the corridor of 65 to 80 million euros
Group turnover is expected to reach a value in the range of 680 to 740 million euros in 2022. Group EBIT in 2022 is expected to be in the corridor of 65 to 80 million euros, EBT between 62 and 77 million euros, and after-tax earnings between 42 and 52 million euros. The targets for the business year 2022 represent approximately expected orders of magnitude and the range thereby reflects the uncertainty currently resulting from the ongoing Corona situation, the general increase in prices as well as from the emerging inflation and its potential impact on CEWE's business development. CEWE assumes that it will not be directly affected by the war in Ukraine, neither on the procurement side nor on the sales side, since no goods and services are purchased from Ukraine or Russia and Ukraine and Russia itself are not sales markets for CEWE products. At this point in time, there are no signs of negative influences on consumer behaviour and thus on the development of sales. However, the CEWE planning for 2022 does not take into account possible effects - especially on the consumer attitude - of a war in Ukraine extending in time and / or space. Corona relief could make more vacation and long-distance travel possible again in 2022, which should give rise to many new photos and thus also positively support the order situation in photofinishing at CEWE.

CEWE acts sustainably: Twelfth Sustainability Report published
CEWE takes a holistic view of sustainability - ecologically, economically and socially. Sustainable action is deeply rooted at CEWE. The company has been reporting regularly on its sustainability initiatives and progress in this area since as early as 2010. For example, CEWE has been manufacturing all CEWE branded products in a completely climate-neutral manner since as early as 2016. All products are continuously reviewed using a sustainability scorecard developed specifically for this purpose. With the establishment of this continuous improvement management, CEWE is pursuing the goal of consistently creating ever more sustainable products. Together with the Annual Report 2021, the new Sustainability Report is also available online at or with immediate effect.

Dividend to rise for the thirteenth time in succession
Based on the results for the financial year 2021, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board have proposed to the Annual General Meeting that the dividend be increased to 2.35 euros per dividend-bearing share (dividend for the financial year 2020: 2.30 euros). Subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting on June 15, 2022, the dividend of 2.35 euros per share now proposed corresponds to a dividend yield of 2.4% based on the current share price of 99.80 euros (Xetra closing price March 30, 2022). This is the thirteenth dividend increase in succession and also the highest dividend in the Company's history.

Core business photofinishing also with strong Christmas business in 2021
The core business area of photofinishing was again largely responsible for the good annual result. With a turnover of 590.1 million euros, the Photofinishing business segment achieved an operating result (EBIT) of 71.2 million euros in 2021 (turnover in 2020: 620.0 million euros; EBIT in 2020: 88.6 million euros). In this context, the strong Christmas business remained a reliable constant for CEWE in the business year 2021. In the previous year 2020, the corona-related "stay-at-home" effect had an even greater impact on the demand for photo products and consequently on sales and earnings in photofinishing, especially in the Christmas business. The trend towards higher-quality photo products - such as new wooden frames and laminations, premium posters and calendars, or the new "Nature Prints" produced from recycled paper - also strengthened the development of sales and earnings in 2021: thus, sales per photo across all photo products continued to rise by 2.0% from 26.51 euro cents per photo in 2020 to 27.04 euro cents per photo in 2021. The trend of a continuously improving operating profit margin in the core business area of photofinishing, which has been continuing for many years, is also continuing at a pleasing rate, after 12.4% in 2019 (and a temporarily exceptionally high 15.1% in 2020 due to Corona) to 12.7% in 2021.

Commercial Online-Print achieves turnaround
Although pre-pandemic sales have not yet been achieved again, Commercial Online-Print has already achieved the turnaround on the basis of 2021 sales of 66.0 million euros and has improved its EBIT contribution to Group earnings by a pleasing 4.9 million euros to 1.2 million euros (2020 EBIT: - 3.7 million euros; 2020 sales: 67.8 million euros). Further strict cost management in conjunction with a more efficient production and cost structure overall and the successful implementation of the best price strategy at SAXOPRINT provide sustained support for this improvement in earnings.

Retail improves earnings with optimized store structure
In the retail business segment, CEWE has already been reducing sales consistently and in a planned manner for several years by focusing on the photofinishing business and deliberately refraining from low-margin retail business. With the beginning of the pandemic, the decline in sales due to the reduced frequency in retail stores also became very apparent. Against this background, CEWE had decided in the previous year 2020 to close a total of just over 40 stores. CEWE's retail business has now already benefited from this accelerated optimization of the branch structure in the completed business year 2021: Despite around 30 % fewer stores than in the previous year, CEWE's retail business achieved sales of 31.2 million euros - also due to more online business - which was only - 8.7 % lower than in the previous year (2020: 34.1 million euros). EBIT improved significantly by 4.3 million euros to 0.2 million euros (2020: - 4.2 million euros). In the previous year, around 2.9 million euros in restructuring provisions and 1.5 million euros in inventory write-downs had been incurred as a result of the announced store structure optimization.

Equity ratio rises to 56.0%, ROCE remains well above pre-Corona level
After an already very solid level in the previous year (December 31, 2020: 48.1%), the equity ratio rose again in 2021 to now 56.0%, thus underlining that CEWE - despite the difficult overall economic situation - continues to be in an extremely stable position. At 17.5%, the return on capital employed (ROCE) in 2021 was also clearly above the 14.8% of the last pre-Corona year 2019 (ROCE 2020: 20.6%), even after the end of the Corona special economic cycle.

An overview of results for 2021

CEWE business segments Unit Q4 2020 Q4 2021 2020 2021
(1) Photofinishing          
Photos m. photos 891 832 2,339 2,182
CEWE PHOTOBOOK m. units 2.6 2.3 6.5 5.6
Turnover EUR m. 284.3 265.2 620.0 590.1
EBIT EUR m. 80.0 69.1 88.6 71.2
Purchase price allocation effects EUR m. -1.2 -0.7 -4.3 -3.8
Restructuring provision EUR m. -0.7 --- -0.7 ---
EBIT before special effects EUR m. 81.9 69.8 93.6 75.0
(2) Retailing          
Turnover EUR m. 10.1 9.8 34.1 31.2
EBIT EUR m. -0.4 0.9 -4.2 0.2
Restructuring provision EUR m. -1.2 --- -2.9 ---
Allowances for inventories of stocks EUR m. - --- -1.5 ---
EBIT before special effects EUR m. 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.2
(3) Commercial Online Printing          
Turnover EUR m. 19.0 22.9 67.8 66.0
EBIT EUR m. 1.3 2.3 -3.7 1.2
Purchase price allocation effects EUR m. -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2
Reversal of restructuring provision EUR m. +0.6 --- +0.6 ---
EBIT before special effects EUR m. 0.8 2.3 -4.0 1.4
(3) Other          
Turnover EUR m. 1.9 2.0 6.6 7.6
EBIT EUR m. -0.5 -0.2 -1.1 -0.4
CEWE Group Unit Q4 2020 Q4 2021 2020 2021
Turnover EUR m. 314.0 297.8 727.3 692.8
EBIT EUR m. 80.3 72.1 79.7 72.2
Total special effects EUR m. -2.6 -0.8 -9.1 -4.1
EBIT before special effects EUR m. 82.9 72.9 88.8 76.2
EBT EUR m. 77.9 73.8 76.4 72.7

Rounding differences may occur. Exact values have always been used for percentage deviation calculations.

Notes to the "Earnings by Business Segment" chart

(1) Photofinishing: Production and sale of photo products such as the CEWE PHOTO BOOK, calendars, greeting cards, wall art and individual (analogue and digital) photos as well as other photo products
(2) Retailing: Trading in photo hardware, such as cameras and lenses, in Norway, Sweden, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
(3) Commercial online printing: Production and sale of commercial print products in the online printing portals of SAXOPRINT, viaprinto and LASERLINE

Full year of 2021 and targets for 2022

CEWE Group Unit 2021 actual 2022 target Change in %
Photos 1 bn. photos 2.18 2.0 to 2.3 - 7 % to 4 %
CEWE PHOTOBOOK m. units 5.6 5.4 to 5.8 - 4 % to 3 %
Investments 2 EUR m. 36.8 60  
Turnover EUR m. 692.8 680 to 740 - 2 % to 7 %
EBIT EUR m. 72.2 65 to 80 - 10 % to 11 %
EBT 3 EUR m. 72.7 62 to 77 - 15 % to 6 %
Earnings after tax 4 EUR m. 48.9 42 to 52 - 14 % to 6 %
Earnings per share EUR/share 6.72 5.89 to 7.32 - 13 % to 8 %

The ranges of these targets for 2022 reflect the uncertainties currently resulting from the Corona situation, the general increase in prices as well as the emerging inflation and its potential effects on CEWE's business development. This planning also takes into account possible effects - above all on the consumer attitude - of a war in Ukraine expanding in terms of time and/or space.

1 The number of photos is the total amount of photos used to create CEWE photo products and includes all the photos used in added-value products (e.g. CEWE PHOTOBOOKS, CEWE CARDS, CEWE CALENDARS, CEWE WALL ART and other photo gifts).
2 Outflows of funds for investments in fixed and intangible assets, balanced by inflows of funds from the disposal of fixed and intangible assets; not including additional purchases and corporate acquisitions
3 Target for 2022: Excluding subsequent valuation of equity instruments
4 Target for 2022: Based on the normalised Group tax rate for the previous year

Rounding differences may occur. Exact values have always been used for percentage deviation calculations.

Should you have any queries, please contact:
CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA, Axel Weber (Investor Relations)
Tel.: 0441 / 404 - 2288, Fax: 0441 / 404 - 421, Email:

Internet: , , , , , ,,

The CEWE apps are all available in the app stores: CEWE FOTOWELT, CEWE POSTCARD and other photo apps, and the CEWE Investor Relations App for iPads(c) or android tablets, with annual reports and quarterly reports, presentations and sustainability reports.

Financial schedule
(insofar as already scheduled)

11.05.2022 Publication of the 2022 Q1 interim communication
15.06.2022 2022 Annual General Meeting
09.08.2022 Publication of the 2022 HY1 interim report
20.09.2022 2022 Berenberg & Goldman Sachs German Corporate Conference
21.09.2022 2022 Baader Investment Conference
11.11.2022 Publication of the 2022 Q3 interim communication
29.11.2022 2022 German Equity Forum

About CEWE:
The CEWE Group is Europe's leading photo service and online printing supplier.

From its beginnings in 1912, CEWE has progressed to become the leading photo service company for all those wanting to make more of their photos. This is mainly due to the much-awarded CEWE PHOTOBOOK, with more than six million books being sold each year. Customers can purchase other personalised photo products under the brand names of CEWE, WhiteWall and Cheerz - and from many leading retailers in Europe. Concerning their personal photos, they are inspired to produce a variety of creative designs and they trust the company with more than 2 billion photos every year.

The CEWE Group has also set up a highly efficient production system for advertising prints and business prints for the online printing market, which is still a new market. Every year billions of high-quality printed products are delivered reliably to their purchasers through the SAXOPRINT, LASERLINE and viaprinto sales platforms.

The CEWE Group, through the founder family of Neumüller as an anchor shareholder, focuses on sustainable corporate management and has already received many awards for this effort: economically sustainable in the long term; cooperative and fair in dealings with customers, employees and suppliers; socially responsible and protective of the environment and resources. An example of this is the climate-neutral process used to produce all the CEWE brand-name products.

The CEWE Group has a staff of 4,000 employees and operates in 21 countries. CEWE is listed on the SDAX. More information is available at

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Language: English
Company: CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA
Meerweg 30-32
26133 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 (0)441 40 4-1
Fax: +49 (0)441 40 4-42 1
E-mail: [email protected]
ISIN: DE0005403901
WKN: 540390
Indices: SDAX
Listed: Regulated Market in Berlin, Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Regulated Unofficial Market in Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate Exchange
EQS News ID: 1316129

End of News DGAP News Service

1316129  31.03.2022 


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