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Do These 3 Things If You're Hoping to Retire Early

Early retirement is on a lot of people's radars these days, what with the FIRE movement really taking off. But when you dig deeply, you'll see that it's actually just a small percentage of workers who manage to attain financial independence at a relatively young age. In fact, retiring early is not an easy prospect, and it can take years of planning. But if it's something that's important to you, here's how to make it happen.

What does early retirement actually mean to you? Is it leaving the workforce in your mid-40s? Mid-50s? Or sometime around age 60? And does it entail not working at all, or working in a less structured, pressured capacity? These are details you'll need to figure out, as they'll dictate the steps you take to attain your goal of early retirement, so think about what you want specifically.


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