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Ecommerce growth tips to leverage in 2021

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As the ecommerce sector is overwhelmed with the task of fixing core web vitals in time for the next major update from Google, let’s not forget how important it is to keep up to speed with other critical growth factors. After all, researchers predict that the recent pandemic accelerated the rise of cashless transactions. 

If Content Marketing is still the No.1 avenue to grow long-term business in e-commerce, then the following 7 growth tactics will help you tremendously: 

1)Only use Press Release Companies that Provide Unique Editorial Content

Choosing the correct distribution platform to work with can play a pivotal role in maximizing your SEO results- as different distributors will offer different opportunities at quite different prices.

Always make sure you choose companies that provide authentic editorial content; this way, you ensure your work is crafted by established journalists, and avoid any ‘sponsored’ or ‘press release’ tags which do little more than act as disincentives and brand your website as ‘untrustworthy’.

In a recently conducted Press Release Guide comparing PRWeb VS Newswire, only one platform was capable of delivering the aforementioned type of editorial content. This allowed its customers to effectively bypass into titan publications- such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and save thousands of dollars in conventional fees.

2)Utilize Web Analytics Software

Incorporating effective web analytics software into your SEO strategy from the beginning of your campaign is essential as it will allow you to quickly understand your target audience once they visit your website.

Platforms such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console can allow you to effectively analyse your site’s main domains, ascertain your referring keywords and your best traffic source, and make quick consequential adjustments where they are needed. 

3)Remove barriers that slow down your website

In today’s marketplace, having your website load quickly upon arrival is crucial; this is because readers commonly associate slow-loading times with ‘untrustworthy’- and consequently uninteresting, websites, and tend to highly avoid investing any degree of time or energy into them.

As illustrated by Strange loop, even a mere-second of delay in page loading times can lead to over 7% loss in conversions- an effect which scales exponentially.

 To ensure adequate loading time speeds and improve overall customer utility, always take steps to:

 a)   optimize your site’s dependencies- such as your Plugins, Tracking Scripts and CMS Software,

  1. b)   perfect your site’s format- such as the size of your images, and
  2. c) eliminate any unnecessary Cookies in order to decrease the size of the data that is being transferred.


4)Improve Inbound Links

Simply put, most current search algorithms tend to work with the underlying assumption that the more links a website receives from another, the more likely it is to be of high importance and value.

Obviously, this is not always the case as no number of inbound links in themselves can necessarily guarantee a high level of relevance or quality. Nevertheless, writing engaging, authentic content- which will naturally incentivise other producers to link to or share your work, will undoubtedly expand your site’s reach and significantly improve its traffic.

5)Think Humans First

When writing, always ensure that you are prioritizing your actual target audience over any potential algorithms or search engines; that way, you are much more likely to successfully appeal to your reader’s interests, create a memorable customer-experience and connect with your users- improving your long-term brand loyalty.

Remember, even the most ‘intelligent’ search algorithms follow humans, not the other way around. Tailor your material to the persons who have the ability to read, site, and purchase your product, not to scripts. As the CEO of a leading “Brand mentions” network said: “Connecting human readers with brands requires thoughtful skills”. 

6)Use Unique Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions tend to be used by search engines as page summaries and- as they are the first section potential viewers will read before clicking onto your page, play a significant role in your SEO results.

In perfecting your Meta Description, always ensure to both: a) include unique, authentic writing and b) appeal to your target audience. Doing so will mean your work is greatly favoured by search engines and will help expand your site’s online prolificacy.

7)Write Concise, readable URLS

Simple, easy-to-read URLs have been shown to offer a plethora of benefits in relation to both search engines and reader experience.

This is because shorter URLs tend to rank better with consumers as they are more ‘memorable’ and ‘easier to type’ and overall improve experience-based utility. Unsurprisingly, they are also heavily favoured by search engines- which have been developed to follow consumer trends.

Overall, shorter, understandable URLs provide a satisfactory experience for your reader whilst remaining search-engine-friendly and improving your SEO results.

Final take:

Hold on tight as the ecommerce sector powers ahead. In 2019, retail e-commerce global sales reached 3.53 trillion US dollars, on track for 6.54 trillion US dollars by 2022. In such a frenzied trend – be prepared to do the necessary to keep up.


The post Ecommerce growth tips to leverage in 2021 appeared first on ValueWalk.

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