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Endeavor Lift Off

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Endeavour collaborates with entrepreneurs that develop cutting-edge technology that advances social and economic advancement. We fund government contract initiatives that benefit our collective future, from national intelligence to aerospace and military to cybersecurity.

Recently, they have announced the fruition of their newest project – it’s called “Lift-Off.”

First off, let’s familiarize ourselves with some of the terms.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are the United States government’s major mechanisms for involving small technology companies in R&D that benefits the country. SBIR contracts or STTR grants are provided to cutting-edge, fast-growing enterprises like yours in order to accelerate the development and commercialization of their remarkable technology. 

SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) and STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) are government-funded programs that help startups and small enterprises work on research and development projects that the US government deems critically important. The funding is intended to spur innovation in almost every industry, as well as meet federal R&D requirements and facilitate the transition among R&D and commercial enterprise

Lift-Off is a new program developed by the Endeavour team that allows them to provide non-dilutive SBIR contract and STTR grant financing – ahead of its time in the civil service lending industry, enabling expanding government companies to finally open up a working capital stream that has since been hidden and inaccessible.Endeavour has introduced a new Lift-Off Finance Plan to assist its clients in obtaining the value of these transactions prior to the government’s payment cycle.

Lift-Off has already launched, as Endeavour has funded its first set of SBIR clients and is now accepting new applications. 

Every year, more than 7,000 new SBIR awards are granted, accounting for 3.2 percent of the research budget for federal agencies with a total yearly budget of $4.8 billion. The Endeavour SBIR STTR Grant Financing program accelerates access to those award dollars. This is a significant new element to the ecosystem, allowing early-stage startups to create deeper connections with the government contract and contract financing market.

After repeated requests from clients, Endeavour built the Lift-Off program just for them. On Phase 1/2 SBIRs, the Company is now prepared to proceed against future milestones/CLINs and can fund up to 75 percent of the total award on Day 1 on a completely non-dilutive basis.

Endeavour was created by engineers and scientists who understand the time and resources required to help solve complex challenges with highly technical solutions. As a result, they are dedicated to and enthused about taking the next step in financing the next wave of national security and space difference-makers. Endeavour is a mission-driven, double-bottom-line company dedicated to delivering excellent financial returns while also making a positive difference in the world. 

As a result, Endeavour donates half of its after-tax income to charities that benefit veterans and military families every year.

Visit to find out how Endeavour, a leading DOD Trusted Capital Provider, operates, as well as the services they offer and the sectors they support.


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