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Federal Reserve Decides Letting Politicians With Direct Access To Insider Information Potentially A Bad Idea

insider information Deficit Ceiling Fed Chair Reappointment Federal Reserve Tapering Jerome Powell Fed Put tapering Fed Officials Tapering meeting FOMC Fed Balance Sheet Real Progress Fed Meeting top Fed chairman performance Lame Duck Presidency boost asset prices Benchmark Rate Unchanged Federal Reserve rate cut today's rate cut

WASHINGTON D.C – The Federal Reserve has moved a new motion that restricts senior elected officials from buying individual stocks for their portfolios. This realization came after they decided in a three hour long meeting that letting individuals with direct knowledge of government contracts with publicly traded companies buy stocks is a potentially dangerous idea.

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Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

Using Insider Information To Trade Stocks

“It was a hard decision to make.” Chairman of the Fed Jerome Powell said. “It was hard to make this decision because we just don’t know how our senior officials use their insider information to trade stocks. It’s hard to prove, say for example, Nancy Pelosi only buying stocks that are awarded government contracts is nefarious, it could be a complete accident for all we know.” Chairman Powell added.

This post first appeared on The Stonk Market

Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

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