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Forget Real Estate: Invest $25,000 in This Ultimate Dividend Growth Stock and Get $1,000 in Passive Income

It seems like everyone around you is telling you to invest in real estate. A barrage of influencer content constantly hits the media platforms telling you to put your savings into real estate investments to build passive income. Passive income is income earned from an investment without doing any extra work. All you have to do is sit back and let the money roll in -- or so the story goes.

But is buying real estate truly passive income? In most cases, I'd argue it isn't. From construction upkeep to managing rental tenants to dealing with regulatory paperwork, owning real estate is rarely as passive as the investing influencers claim it to be. True passive income comes from dividend investing. Owning dividend-paying stocks allows you to get an income stream while doing zero work. What an incredible invention.

The best dividend stocks are ones that grow their dividend payments each year. That brings us to Philip Morris International (NYSE: PM), a top dividend growth stock with a high starting yield. You can buy $25,000 of this dividend growth stock today and earn $1,000 in growing passive income each year.

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