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Got $1,500? You Can Confidently Add These 3 Stocks to Your Portfolio

It's always fun getting a little bit of extra cash. It's a new year, so perhaps you got that holiday bonus or some cash in your Christmas stocking. But instead of spending to enjoy that money now, consider investing it to enjoy your future. Even $1,500 can grow to a much more significant amount over time if you pick the right stocks to invest in.

The good news is that you don't need to do this alone. Here are three winning stocks you might want to consider that are poised to maintain their excellence over the long haul. You can confidently add these three stocks to your diversified portfolio for less than $1,500.

Midstream energy company Enbridge (NYSE: ENB) could be just the stock you're looking for if collecting fat dividend checks is your thing. The company's stock offers a whopping 7.2% dividend yield at its current share price.

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