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Got $3,000? Here Are 3 Cloud Computing Stocks That Have a Killer Advantage

Cloud computing is certainly not new, but the pace of the digital transformation they are creating has accelerated. One of the unexpected consequences of the coronavirus pandemic has been the rapid increase in the adoption of cloud-based solutions. Given the ease and convenience of these applications and platforms, there's almost no chance that the world will go back to business as usual.

Faced with this changing paradigm, investors are naturally looking to capitalize on these changes in consumer and business behavior. One way to profit is by identifying companies that have a critical advantage over their rivals. It can be a company with a growing network effect, one that's an entrenched first-mover, or one with unmatched scale.

Assuming you have an emergency fund to fall back on and $3,000 (or less) that you don't need for immediate expenses, here are three cloud computing stocks that have a killer advantage that will serve them well in the months and years to come.

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